Beverly Marsh ☔️

413 11 2


Warnings: Swearing/ death/ gay slurs

"Have fun in hell you fag" Henry spat at me

I clenched my fists tighter; making my nails dig into my skin.

"Leave me alone Henry" I choked out

"I don't need to listen to a fag like you" He spat

He shoved my shoulder forward, making me stumble over myself as I tried to calmly walk away.

"You're gonna burn in hell, I hope you know that" Henry continued

My lip quivered while my eyes began to flood with salty tears.

"I'm talking to you" He pushed my shoulder again "Fucking speak when you're spoken to!"

He quickly spun me around and clenched his hand around my throat.

"Hmm" He hummed

My hands tried to pry his tight grip from my neck while he looked me up and down.

"Shit I might be getting a boner" He smirked "You're hot when you're helpless"

I lifted my leg up meeting his crotch in seconds. He quickly let go of my throat and hunched over.

"You bitch" He groaned

I quickly spun around and ran, my heart was beating faster than the speed of my running legs.


Somehow I ended up at the edge of a cliff at the quarry with Henry Bowers only a few feet away.

"No where to go now fag" Henry scolded

"Please Henry" I begged "Please don't do this"

Henry ignored my begging and just smiled. I wanted to run, I wanted to just move right past him and escape. But there was no way to stop what was about to happen to me.

"You did this to your self" Henry told me

"Please Henry- you don't have to do this" My eyes filled with tears

"Yes I do. You're a fagot" He stepped closer to me "You don't belong here, you don't belong in Derry"

I began to walk backwards away from Henry

"You don't deserve to be alive" He hissed "You don't deserve anything"

"Please" I cried "Please Henry don't"

He quickly rushed into me and shoved me off the edge of the cliff. A loud scream left my lips as I fell down towards the freezing cold water.

I tried to kick my legs and resurface above the water but it was like something was holding my legs together. My hands clawed at the water as I tried to pull myself up. My eyes opened in hope to see if I was getting anywhere but I was sinking. The light was going further and further away. My body started to tense as I struggled to hold my breath for any longer. My eyes shut and my arms stopped moving around. I felt my body start to loosen up as the last of my air left my mouth.

"Oh god no! Please Y/n wake up"

"Is she breathing?!"

"No! She's not breathing!"

"How did she get in there?!"

"How the fuck am I supposed to know Richie!? I'm trying to save her fucking life!"

"You don't have to yell at me!"

"C'mon y/n please, oh god please"

My eyes shot open as my body jolted up. Water spilled out of my mouth as I began coughing.

"Holy shit!"

A pair of arms wrapped around me

"You're alive oh god thank you"

I looked up and saw Beverly in tears. I leaned into her chest and tried to breathe. I looked to my left and saw Bill, Ben, Mike, Richie, and Eddie. Richie was the first to fall to his knees and join the hug, then everyone else joined in.

"You scared the shit out of me" Richie spoke

"Sorry.." I mumbled

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