Eddie Kaspbrak ☔️

908 12 1

Warnings: Swearing

We sat in front of the projector in Bill garage. Eddie had stood up and tore the map of the Derby sewer system. The projector started to change the pictures.

"What happened?" Stanley asked "What's going on?"

Mike tried to fix the projector but it kept flipping through Bill's family pictures.

"Guys.." Stanley mumbled

"Georgie..." Bill mumbled

I watched the wall as the light flickered. I could feel my heart beat speed up.

"What the fuck is that!" Richie scream "What the fuck is that!"

"I don't fucking know!" Eddie screamed

"Turn it off!" Beverly yelled "Turn it off!"

Mike tried to turn it off but it wasn't working. Mike kicked the projector onto the floor but it continued to flash.

The clown was there one minuted but gone the next. Another flash and the clown popped out from the wall. Everyone started to run away from the clown. I got backed up into a corner and as the clown slowly got closer I fell to my knees as screams fell from my lips and tears from my eyes.

Light started to shine in my screams stopped but my tears kept flowing down my cheeks. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. A screech left my lips as I flinched away.

"Y/N it's me" Eddie spoke holding me close

I leaned into his chest and cried as he held me for dear-life.

"Let's go" Bill stuttered

"Go? Go where?" Ben asked

"Neboldt. That's where Georgie is" Bill spoke

"After that?" Stanley asked

"Yeah... It's summer- we should be outside" Richie said

"If you say it's summer one more fucking time" Bill stuttered

"Y/N almost died!" Eddie yelled at Bill

"We can stop him" Bill stuttered

"Fuck that!" Eddie yelled "I'm not risking her life- none of our lives"

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