Stanley Uris ☔ pt 1

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*Y/n is Stanley's wife~ IT chapter 2*

Suicide warning ⚠️

I removed my gaze from my book and turned to the bathroom door. I could still hear the water filling the tub though it's been on for quite some time.

"Stanley?" I called out from my position on the couch. "Honey are you okay?" I raised my voice to try and speak over the water. I knew it was a long shot for him to hear me, but I tried anyway. Placing my book down on the coffee table I stood up, making my way to the bathroom door. "Honey?" I knocked against the door. "Are you okay?"

Before he ran off to the bath, we were sitting beside each other putting a puzzle together. The phone started to ring across the room, the noise catching the both of us off guard.

"I'll get it." Stan kissed my cheek before standing up and making his way to the phone. "Hello?" His back was turned to me, but I could feel the whole room get cold.

"Stanley?" I knocked against the bathroom door again after he didn't respond. "Baby?" My skin got cold as I reached down to the doorknob. He never locks the door; we never lock the doors on each other. "Stan?!" Panic laced in my voice as I knocked louder, basically pounding on the door. My hand gripped the metal doorknob again, trying to twist it to the side. My heart began to pound deep in my chest, hard enough that I thought it may break my ribs. The only sound that filled my ears was the sound of overflowing water. "Stanely?!" I cried out behind the door feeling helpless. I gasped as I felt warm water soaking into my white socks, turning them a slight shade of pink.

Tears filled my eyes as panic filled every part of my body. I stumbled backwards a couple steps before shooting my eyes back up to the bathroom door. I clenched my shaky hands into fists. "Please God." I mumbled under my breath. He wouldn't do this. "Stanley!" I threw myself into the door, my mind racing with panic and desperation. "Baby!" I cried out, tears pouring down my cheeks as I threw myself into the door again.

Slipping on the water below me I fell to the floor, my hands catching my fall. I quickly reached up to the doorknob again, hoping for some reason it would magically just unlock. To my surprise it twisted all the way. My eyes widened as I quickly stumbled to my feet and pushed the door in, water flooding the hallway.

A scream left my lips as I watched the red water surround Stanley's naked body. More tears began pouring down my cheeks as I rushed to his side, my socks slapping against the water. I shakily reached for the faucet, turning the knob to the right. I grabbed onto Stanley's shoulders and looked into his lifeless eyes. My heart aching more and more as my mind slowly began to process what was in front of me.

"Stanley! Stanley, Baby! Wake up!" I sobbed. "Someone! Call 911! Please!" My voice cracked as I cried for help, hoping anyone could hear my pleads from inside our apartment. "Help me!"

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