Eddie Kaspbrak ☔️

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Warnings: Swearing

I walked down the street side by side with Eddie. As we walked by the black abandoned house Eddie reached for his pills but it slipped out of his hands and fell to the ground.

"Shit" Eddie mumbled

We both fell to the floor and quickly picked up his pills. I looked up and saw a homeless looking guy with puss oozing out of him.

"E-Eddie" I mumbled

"We're almost done-" He began

"Eddie" I spoke again

"What-" He looked up once he saw the mans hand reach out with one of his pills


Eddie fell back onto his butt and started to scootch away. I didn't know what to do as I watched the man move closer to Eddie. Eddie quickly stood up and ran into the yard of the abandoned house. I snapped out of my trance when Eddie was out of sight. I quickly shot up and ran after him. I saw Eddie terrified against a fence and a clown with multiple balloons looking at Eddie.

The fear plastered on his face told a whole story. My mouth hung a bit low and I was breathing heavily.

"Hello Y/N" The clown laughed

The clowns head spun around while his body nailed to the floor. The clowns yellow eyes started to sparkle and Eddie gave me an evil smile.

"Eddie!" I called out

"Looks like he's gone" The clown spoke. Eddie turned around and crawled out through a broken part of the fence.

"He wouldn't-" I looked at the fence in disbelief "He wouldn't leave me.."

"Well he did" The clown's smile left his face

I watched as the clowns body turned the same way his head was and begin to walk towards me. His red balloons started to pop from their triangle formation. The clown began to walk towards me as I stepped back.

I could feel tears start to form in my eyes and my heart start to pound at a fast pace. I turned around to sprint out of there but when I turned around the clown was there.

"Don't you wanna play?" The clown asked

My lips were ajar as if I was about to say something but nothing left my mouth.

"Fear" He smiled

My eyes were locked onto his face as his mouth began to open. I felt a tug on my arm and someone dragging me away from the clown. I blinked and the clown was gone. I was pulled under a fence and into someone's arms.

Tears poured down my cheeks as I latched onto the person. When I looked up I saw Eddie through my glossed eyes. I quickly pushed him away and stood on my feet as he also did.

"You left me!" I scream at him "You smiled and just simply walked away!"

"That wasn't me" Eddie tried to explain

"It was you! It was" I cried "You know! You know my biggest fear is being left behind!"

"It wasn't me!" Eddie yelled pulling me into a hug "It wasn't me"

I hugged him back and fell into his arms.

"It wasn't me" He spoke again "I wouldn't ever leave you behind"

My tears continued to fall down my cheeks as Eddie held me close.

"C'mon let's go, We shouldn't stay here" Eddie spoke

He wrapped his arm around my waist as I held onto his torso as we walked back to my house.

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