~Preference~ Your first kiss

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Bill~ Just the two of you, you and Bill, were at the quarry swimming while you waited for the rest of the gang. 

"Shouldn't they be here by now?" You asked swimming towards Bill

"Y-Yeah" He stuttered

"I wonder what's taking them so long" You looked towards the shore to see if they were there

You turned towards Bill, who was maybe a foot away, and saw that he was staring at you.

"Take a picture it will last longer" You smiled

"I-I um" He mumbled

You began to move a bit closer to him. Your hand moved up to his hair and pushed it out of his face.

"You know, I've seen you looking at me an awful lot recently" You smirked "What's that about?"

"I-I don't k-know what you're t-talking about" He looked towards the shore "T-they should be here soon"

"Yeah, but they're not here yet" You placed you hand on his face so he would look at you 

You moved closer to him so your bodies were touching. He gulped and looked into your eyes. You moved your mouth right next to his ear.

"But the thing is... I've been looking at you too" You smirked

You pulled away and looked at his lips. 

"I mean who wouldn't?" You asked looking back up to his eyes

Bill quickly pulled you closer than you already were and attached your lips. His lips were soft and wet, so were yours. It was a short kiss but it was what you thought to me 'Amazing'.

"Wow" You smiled 

"Wow" He smiled back

Stanley~ Stan wasn't much of a 'first move' kinda guy. It was you who talked to him in class first, it was you who asked him out on your first date, and it was you who asked him to be your boyfriend. You thought maybe, just maybe he would be the first one to kiss you.

You and the losers club were walking down to an ice-cream shop. You and Stan had been dating for two months now and still no kissing. You knew he wasn't the type to rush anything but two months? You were getting annoyed. You tried to give him subtle hints on it but he never seemed like he got them. 

You were pulled back by Stan while the others walked in.

"Are you ok y/n?" Stan asked

"Yeah i'm fine" you smiled "C'mon let's go in"

You went to pull back but Stan pulled you to him

"Y/N" He softly spoke

"What?" you asked

"What is wrong?" He asked again

"Nothing" You smiled obviously trying to hide what you felt

"Babe-" Be began

"Stan. I'm fine" You tried to get him to let it go

You could tell he looked worried, like something was wrong. You pulled him towards you and gave him a hug.

"I'm ok Stan" You mumbled into his chest

You pulled away and looked at him. 

'Fuck it' you thought

Just as you were about to kiss him he pulled you close and attached your lips together. 

"Took you long enough" You laughed as you guys pulled away

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