The Losers Club ☔️

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Kinda trash but whateva

Warnings: Swearing

I always thought you would wake up with a bad feeling when the day had came- when you die. But I woke up feeling fine, just like any other school day. I woke up just like normal, got dressed for the day and did everything else I would do. Maybe if I did something different I would still be here today. But I guess once it's done. It's done.

"Bye Dad" I called out to him from the front door

"Bye, see you after school" He called back

I walked down Neibolt street towards my middle school. My shoes made little squeaking sounds as I walked. My hands where tucked into my front pocket of my jean shorts. My backpack sat on my shoulders, hitting right above my waist as I walked. No driving cars were in sight so I marched in the middle of the road.

"Y/n" A whisper filled my ears

"Bill?" I turned around

It was Bill's voice. I knew it was Bill's voice. But he wasn't in sight.

"Bill?" I called out again "Hello?"

"Y/n" A voice just like Eddie's giggled

"Eddie?" I asked "Hello? This isn't funny guys"

I crossed my arms and continued to look around the empty street.

"In here"

I spun around and looked down at a sewer drain.

"Y/n come play"

Splashing sounds filled my ears

"Richie? What the hell... Why are you down there" I asked

"Come on Y/n" Beverly's voice laughed

"Come play" Mike's voice appeared

"Guy's we have to get to school" I furrowed my eye brows

I slowly walked over to the sewer drain and bent down on my knees

"Guys why the hell are you even down there" I looked deeper in the sewer


"Shit!" I shouted

A clown with orange hair and blue eyes smiled at me

"Come play with us" He smiled

"What that actual fuck" I mumbled

"Come on y/n" Ben appeared next to the clown

"No.." I mumbled as I shook my head

"Why not?" He asked

"S-School- I need to get to school" I spoke

"Well... can you help me out?" Ben smiled

The clown wasn't there anymore-it disappeared.

"C'mon Ben" I reached my arm down

How could I have been so naive?

I grabbed Ben's hand and just before I could pull him up, I was pulled down.

I opened my eyes and looked around- darkness.... I saw darkness.

"Hello?" I quietly spoke

My voice echoed through the silence. I slowly licked my lips- well I guess I didn't... I did it again-

"What the-" I mumbled

I couldn't feel a thing. I rose my hand up to my mouth but my hand kept going backwards- it was as if my hand had gone right through me.

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