The Losers Club ☔️

785 9 14

Warnings: Swearing / Depression / Attempted sewer slide


I'm not exactly 'liked' in my school, I guess I'm a joke to them. I have no idea how I got into this situation, I'm just like any other 13-year-old girl. But I mean not everything is a fairy tale, not everything ends in a 'happily ever after'.

I walked through the crowded halls towards my next class.

"Ah!" I yelped as I fell to the ground.

The books in my hand spilled onto the floor as I fell to the tiled flooring. Once I looked up to see the hallway the kids that filled the halls began to laugh and point in my direction. I quickly got onto my knees and began scrambling my books together. I mentally cursed at myself while my cheeks heated up from embarrassment. The laughter only got louder when I stood up from the ground. I tilted my head down and sped walked away towards my math class.

"Did you see her? She totally wiped out in the hallway." A kid laughed once I stepped into the classroom.

"Who?" Another asked as I sat down at my seat in the middle row.

"Y/n." The kid whispered and looked at me, their eyes dug into the back of my head like lasers.

'Just breathe... It's the last day of school...'

English, the last class of the day. How it went so slow. The bell rung and everyone cheered as they walked out of their classrooms. I sat in my seat as I waited for the kids around me to rush out of the room and clear the hallways a bit. By the time I left my seat the teacher had already left the room for break.


I placed my green book bag down next to a tree. I bent over and untied my shoes before slipping them off my feet. I linked my fingers at the back of my socks and tugged them off, one at a time.

I brushed a strand of my y/h/c hair behind my ear. My legs began to move forwards towards the edge of the cliff. My feet burned at the feeling of the hot rock I stood on. I looked down at the couple hundreds of feet that was below me. The water looked murky and cold.

"Just do it" I mumbled to myself "Fucking do it!"

I couldn't handle it anymore. The pranks. The name calling. Everything. I was just so tired. And now that it's summer, it's only going to get worse. The kids running around town with nothing better to do.

I took a deep breath and lifted my right foot up and hung it over the cliff. I started to lean forward as I let my hot salty tears fall down my cheeks.

"It's okay." I hummed to myself "It will be o-."

"What the fuck!" A soft voice yelled. I felt my body being pulled backwards into a chest. My eyes widened in shock. I tugged myself out of whoever's grip I was in and turned around.

I stared at the group of seven kids. Six boys and a single girl. I recognized them as The Losers club, that's what everyone else called them at least. 

"Are those rocks!?" A boy with glasses widened his eyes as he looked down to my shorts.

My eyes shot down to my pockets. The large and heavy rocks weighed my shorts down slightly. Once I tilted my head back up to the group.

"I wasn't-" I began.

"It sure looked like you were." The boy with glasses spoke again but this time earning a punch in the arm from his friend with curly hair.

"Are you oh-okay?" The one with a stutter asked me.

"I'm fine" I blurted out, trying to just get them to leave me alone.

"I mean, do you need hel-help?" He asked another question.

"I'm fine." I looked away from the group.

"You're Y/n, right?" The girl asked, I recognized her from my English class.

"Ye-yeah." I muttered shyly.

"I saw what happened at school-" She began to speak.

I harshly breathed in as I closed my eyes.

"Don't" I shook my head lightly "Don't act like you care, you don't. You don't know me, you just happened to see me, and you didn't want that on your conscience. "

"Why would you say that?" The curly headed boy asked.

"Because not everyone is the same!" I snapped.

"Not everyone." The boy who had pulled me back spoke. He was shorter than the rest and he had a red Fanny pack around his waist.

"Just leave me alone!" I shot my head up to look at him.

His jaw was clenched as he took a long, deep breath through his nose.

"Why should we?!" He snapped back at me "As soon as we leave, you'll just jump into the quarry!"

My eyes slightly widened at his sudden outburst. I didn't know him well, but I've seen him around school, he's always quiet and keeps to himself unless he's with his friends.

"Look" The chubbier boy spoke "Just don't- don't do it."

My cheeks were slightly damp from the tears that streamed down my cheeks a few minutes before.

"I wasn't going to do it." I looked away as I crossed my arms over my chest "I- I was just thinking about it."

I felt a hand on my shoulder, making me look up. I was met with a warm smile from the girl. She wiped the tear that ran down my cheek.

"You're not alone anymore." She softly spoke.

She wrapped her arms around my shoulders, pulling me into a hug. The walls I tried so hard to keep up started to crash down in front of me. Tears rushed from my eyes as my head rested on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry." I cried.

"Don't be sorry Y/n, there's no reason to be sorry."

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