Mike Hanlon ☔PT 1

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I laid on my left side as I watched Mike beside me. His lips slightly parted as he slept beside me. The sun shinned down on the two of us as we laid in the field together. I lifted my left arm and propped my head up to get a better view of him. I trailed my thumb against his cheek as a smile crept onto my lips. His eyes fluttered open, his brown doe eyes glistening in the sunlight.

"Hi." I sweetly spoke, placing my palm on his cheek.

He smiled, leaning into my hand before looking at me. "Hi. How long was I asleep?" He rubbed his eye with the back of his hand.

"Not long, I would have to say like a half hour."

He turned onto his side and placed his hand on my waist as he looked into my eyes.

"I hope you weren't too bored." He chuckled.

"I could never be bored when I'm with you, no matter what." I leaned in, pecking his soft lips.

As I opened my eyes leaning back to where I laid, Mike stared at me with dead eyes. Blood dripping from his eye sockets while his mouth hung open. My stomach twisted in knots as I looked back at him, unable to move away.

"Mike..." I muttered in fear. "Mike?"


Sweat dripped down my forehead as I shot up from my bed. My eyes shooting open to be met with darkness. I quickly leaned to my left, turning on my table lamp. I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand. My lungs expanding with air as I tried to settle my pounding heart.

"Shit." I muttered under my breath. I tossed my legs off the side of my bed and slipped my fluffy slippers on.

The creaking of my bed frame filled my bedroom as I stood up. I rubbed my eyes with my fingers as I stumbled to my bathroom. I flicked the light switch on and moved over to my sink. I twisted the nob to cold and let it run for a minute. I slowly lifted my head to look into the mirror in front of me. As I looked at myself, I examined the lines on my forehead, my smile lines, the bags under my eyes. I looked older than I was. Only 35 and I looked as if I was 10 years older. Maybe it was from the lack of sleep I've been getting, or all the coffees I've been downing to try and stay awake during the day. I closed my eyes as I bent down, cupping my hands to catch the cold water. I splashed the freezing water against my face, trying to bring myself back to reality. I leaned my arms against the sink, leaning closer in. I cupped the water again, letting it fill my palms before splashing it against my skin. With my eyes still closed I reached forwards to turn the water off. With my other hand I grabbed a clean face cloth from the basket on the counter. I pressed the soft cloth against my face, dabbing my skin to dry my skin.

Ring Ring.

I opened my eyes, placing the face cloth on the counter. I turned around and walked towards my phone confused. I stepped into my room, pulling my hair back into a ponytail before picking up my phone that was on my side table.

Unknown is calling.

"Hello?" I placed my phone to my ear.


My stomach sank as he spoke, his voice much deeper now.

"Mike." I mumbled.

"You remember?" He asked surprised.

"Yeah? Why wouldn't I?" I turned around and sat on the edge of my bed. "I'm confused, why are you calling me?" I looked at my alarm clock, 2:27 AM.

"If you remember, do you remember everything?"

A lump formed in my throat as the memories started to flood in, the memories I've tried so hard to forget.

"Mike." I sighed. "Why are you calling me?"

"The others don't remember." He told me. "They didn't remember at first at least."

"Mike answer me, what are you talking about?"

"It's back. IT is back."

I froze, my bottom lip started to tremble as I stared ahead. My heart rate started to increase, pounding against my chest.

"What...?" I softly spoke, confused as if I hadn't heard him correctly the first time.

"You need to come back to Derry. Everyone else is coming."

I shook my head, still not fulling grasping at what he was saying.

"Mike." My voice cracked. "Mike stop."

"You need to come Y/n, I'll tell you and everyone else everything once you get here."

"Mike!" I shouted into the phone to make him stop. "Mike I can't."

"You have to." Mike's voice got softer. "Please Y/n, please come."

Tears began to pool in my eyes as I heard his soft voice on the other line.

"Okay... I'll come." I caved in. "When?"

"Be here by tomorrow night." He answered.

"Okay. Bye." I quickly hung up and placed my phone on the bed before he could say another thing.

Am I really doing this?

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