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Third Person's POV

The same day at the afternoon, in the Seventeen's play room when everyone are gathering, Jeonghan and the boys who were in the scene earlier this morning have to explaining to those who were not there.

"I wish you could see how fearless he was when he wasn't alone."  Dk imitating Jungkook's friend. "Where is Mingyu. Tell him to come out—."  He changes his tone and makes a funny face.

"Wait wait, and he said  'Just a principal can't do much of an impact'. But legs was making its way out of the room." Hoshi quickly standing up acting as he sees a tsunami and try to run for his life. His investment into mimicking Jungkook's team cracked up Mingyu and the boys so hard they almost couldn't breath from laughing.

Jeonghan's habit is hitting someone when he laughed or find something funny and Jun is the current victim. While Dino and Vernon are on the floor holding their stomachs.

"He said we cheated yesterday."  Wonwoo said. "So yesterday he fought with his eyes closed and pretended like Mingyu wasn't almost knocked him off."

Joshua nodding his head agreeing. "If only coach wasn't there to stop so fast."

"It's okay. I will go to meet them—."   Mingyu was interrupted midway by Seungkwan.

"Not you but us. We will go together." 

"I don't think they will come with just the five of them. If Mingyu go alone he will be dead for sure."  The8's statement getting lots of agreement from everyone.

Once Vernon eyes land on Mingyu's face, he keeps staring at it weirdly, he thinks something is off with Mingyu's bruises. "I don't think i see bruise on your lip yesterday."

Everyone turned their head to Mingyu as Dk checking it closely and use his finger to tap the bruise. "You're right, it seems new too."

"Ahhhh!! Don't touch it. It hurts "  He groaned and hit Dk's hand. "I fell and my lip banged to the chair stands." 

"I thought you were beaten by some crazy psychopath."  The boys are chuckling by Jeonghan's clueless jokes not knowing the psycho man he refers to was actually Mingyu's father.

But what can he say in this circumstances? He can't say "My dad gone nuts and beat my ass off and i slept the whole night on the cold floor."

he doesn't want to say it out to what actually occurred to him, he doesn't even want to think about it again. It hurts his prides.


Class period*

"Baek Jia." Mr Kim who is their Chemistry teacher called her names out at his lectures.

"Yes sir."  She replied.

"Since you are a new student here I have prepared some general questions for you."  He said.  "And if you can give the right answer to all of it, chemistry this month will be an auto pass for you."

"Deal Mr Kim."  Jia said, grinning. It's not like she doesn't realise that he just wants to test her. But she is Baek Jia who will always be down with the bet.

"Mr Kim that's so unfair!!"  One of the girl student shouting from her table.

"We don't know yet if she can do it. Let's see." He takes out a paper of questions from his bag, holding it in his hand and asked, "Are you ready Jia?"

Instead of answering like every other times, she nodded her head waiting for him to begins.

"Okay first question, Who was the US president at the end of World War I?"

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