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Third Person's POV

Jia spent the night bawling her eyes off about anything that happened, she wasn't scared for what she did but she felt guilty for making her father involved in this. It is not a small matter because if anything bad happens it would drag her father and the company down too.

She was mad at herself for not thinking farther, she could used another car that is not under her father's name or even just covering the plate number so no one can see it. So many smart ways to help them but instead, she chose the worst one.

After a long tiring day Jia still can't help herself to fall asleep, she was up all night and will have to go to school like normally in the morning too.

On the hallway when heading to her class, a voice call out her name from the back.  "Good morning, Jia." Mingyu greetings with his shining happy smiles while resting his arm on her shoulder from the back. He is feeling unusually great today.

But "Hmmm" was all he gets from her. As soon as Mingyu take a glance at her he is stunned to see her pale face and puffy, dark circles eyes.

"Did you cry?"  His expression wash off with concerns, Jia seems to be in a good mood last night before they separated ways home. When they checked out from the hospital she even went to eat BBQ with the boys too and she was all fine. Mingyu is very concerned.

"Do i look like I cried?"  She asked. "Of course not!!"  She rolled her eyes and fasten her steps to classroom first. He knows she is lying but it's not his place to dig into someone else's life or something they're not comfortable talking about.

During lunchtime the boys asked Jia to join in their table, Jia didn't deny since she's alone anyway. Everyone was fine and enjoying their lunch, laughing and joking around about stuff, recalls back their good old days. Even though she laughed with their storytelling but they're not dumb to not see her forcing smiles.

When someone about to ask her, Mingyu immediately signals them to not say anything and they were smart enough to brushed it off professionally.

"Talking about the fight, Do you see bts here today?"  Jeonghan asked.

"You're right. I don't think I see any of them yet."
Joshua reply, with a mouthful of sausage.

"What was the reason you don't get along with them?"  Jia's curiosity is killing her if she hold it back any longer. She really want to know what actually causes the conflict between Mingyu and Jungkook . And this is a good timing to seek for answers.

"Mingyu and Jungkook used to be a good friend because their father also a friend."  Scoups said only half of the story and the rest he leave it to Mingyu to finish himself.

Mingyu explain that three years ago before the Election Day, his father and mr Jeon who known as Jungkook's father got into a big argument that leads him to blackmail Mingyu's father. And out of choice, Mingyu's father uncovered all mr Jeon's mafia illegal activities that sentenced him to 10 years prisons. Even so, his power and money makes him innocent and discharged after just 3 months.

"The crave of power made him did that to his friend, I won't say I'm proud of it as his son." Mingyu shakes his head and smirked, still unbelievable in what his father had done just to win the election. "I don't hate Jungkook as much as he hates me. Because he has the right to."


The boys are in the playroom as they finish their lunch early before class begins. So Jia, Mingyu, Jeonghan and Scoups comes to class first as they have school work that need to be done.

"I can't hold it. I have to use the restroom now." Scoups said this line for the third time in 1 hour every time they walked across the toilet.

"You pees a lot like puppy."  She shrugged her shoulder and head off to class first, leaving the boys dumbfounded at her words while looking at each other back and forth, laughing. She's really good at mocking people and they like it that way.

The joyful mood earlier now become gloomy once again as soon as she sees what's inside her most favourite bag. She knows immediately who did it without a second thought nor evidence needed.
"What a great timing."  Jia said to herself when she see the short hair girl coming back from the outside.

She slowly and calmly lift her bag from the seat and make her way to the girl's table. Jia's grin showing up again, special only for the girl in front of her.

"What?!" The girl asked.

Jia doesn't say anything, she quake her bag upside down to spilled the kimchi chigae that was inside her bag to the floor. It's again brings back the scenes at the cafeteria that happened few days ago.

"I thought you like kimchi chigae a lot. Don't you?"  The girl laugh out in an evil way. She isn't hiding that she was the one that did it. "Don't your mom tell you not to waste food? Ohh sorry i forget!! you maybe don't even have one."  She pouted with an innocent face looking at the soup on the ground.

Even though Jia's blood is boiling but her grin remains the same and even sweeter. "How nice of you Jinsoo-ahh. Should i let you taste it?"

Jia then grabbed the girl's neck forcefully and knocked her down to the ground, making the PANGG sounds echoing the class.  "Then eat it!!"

Jia hovering on top with her hand gripping from behind to duck the girl's face to the soup she poured out earlier. Students from the next classes are watching in horror through the window outside but no one dare to get in. Even her friends are no where to be found.

"Baek Jia!!! Stop!! You crazy bitchh!!"  The girl howling, scratching and cursing, fighting back Jia who is currently on top of her.

"I already told you not to mess with me. So why?!"  Jia yelled out loud with watery eyes out of anger. "Why are you mentioning my mom? And why does it have to be this bag!!"

"Help!! Help me!! Ahhhh!! You motherless daughter of a bitch!!"

The boys who just arrived at the scene immediately run to pulled Jia out from the girl.  "Jia, stop."  Mingyu try to tear them apart with the help of Jeonghan and Scoups but Jia is too stubborn to release so easily.

The girl face and clothes are full of dirt and her nose is bleeding from the banged to the hard floor.  "Everyone is watching you Jia. Please."  Mingyu muttering to Jia's ear softly, calming her down a little bit. And she listens to him. Her both arms are bleeding from the girl's nail scratches too, it bleeds a lot. Jia looks as mess as the girl too, but at lease it was satisfying.

"Know who you're playing with Park Jinsoo. This is my last warning." Jia then got off from her and walk out of the class having Mingyu trailing behind.

The girl cry out of embarrassment and anger when her friends come to help her to stand up again. "What are you looking at?!!" She yell out to the people watching her.


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