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Jia's POV

School's cafeteria*

Today isn't my day I would say. I was late for class this morning and when i arrived i saw my classmates were taking chemistry test which we weren't informed beforehand, thanks to mr park. Luckily the test wasn't as difficult as I expected it to be as I managed to finish a little earlier than my friends who are still working on it while I'm waiting for them outside to get lunch together.

"Finally." I said to Wonwoo who is the second person to come out. "I'm starving, let's go eat before them, should we?"

"Me too." He laughed before he continues, "During the test I read Carbon as carbonara because I'm so hungry all I could think of is carbonara spaghetti."

I burst out laughing hearing his joke knowing so well that he's low key funny and not at all a nerdy like most people think he is, not to mention he's quite popular for his nerdy but not nerdy look. Even though he appears to be a little distant from the world but deep down Wonwoo is a person you can turn to, this man is a good listener when he's not playing game.

Dude is married to his glasses and computer.

"You buy lunch and I'll go get us drink." we separated ways to get our food before the line starts to get scary.

When I was waiting for my turn to order I can feel someone tapping on my shoulder so i turn my back to find out that it was Jungkook. He stands behind me, smiling.  "Hi" he said.

"Ohh, hi."  I replied awkwardly, immediately getting a flash back to when he fought with Mingyu in front of my house, even help me covered up with our fathers right after I humiliated him in front of Mingyu. I barely see him since then . "You cut your hair?"

His eyes wide open before he nodded, like he wasn't expecting me to noticed so fast. "Cut it yesterday, long hair stress me out a lot."

I won't deny that he looks great with this fresh cut, it look clean with hair slicked back exposing his wide but not too wide forehead, very comparable with his sharp features. "I like it more this way."  I said.

"Then I guess I'll have to trim it everyday." 

"Why? It grows that fast?"  I asked, curiously.

"Because you like it short."  He wink and I grin because I don't want to laugh at his blushing, flirty smile. He sometimes looks so innocent despite his family's reputation that sounds scary.

We both discussed about the tomorrow event that will be hosting at his place for uncle Jeon's birthday party and I start to miss him now. Jungkook told me that his father never go golfing when my father was overseas for work and how often my father's name was brought up during meals. It was funny how he explained that he only get attention when my father wasn't around. I know they are close but I never realised they are this close because at this point they should get married already. LMAO.


"Mingyu try this chicken curry. It's so good." I offer some of mine to Mingyu who sit across me while also offering some to Dk that sit next to me, so i don't get caught for being biased.

"This sandwich is also bomb, try it." Scoups cut me a small bite and put it on my plate. I love how we all like sharing, we show love through foods.

"Oh right Jia. I saw that bastard talked to you what did he say?"  Everyone's eyes on me as soon as they know who Wonwoo is referring to, so does Mingyu, he's more intense than the others with his brows knitted. I suddenly get a cold feet from their looks.

I thought I was careful enough to not get caught talking to their enemy but Wonwoo still managed to see it with his small, blurry eyesight. I need to come up with a good excuse or else I'm doom this time.

"He talked about something nonsense. He's so crazy I can't remember."  I lied with a straight face and Mingyu knows that I lied but he doesn't say anything, he can't afford to let the boys catch me lacking. And just like that I get away with it easily while I try to change the subject to something else that stole everyone's attention completely. But not forget to take a few glance at Mingyu's frown, gloomy face from time to time until he excused himself to go to class first.

"Did he get into a fight with Nabi?" Seungkwan asked after Mingyu is off. "He looks like he could eat human flesh." And they're all agreed with him.

"Where—..."  It was hard for me whenever her name popped up. I feel like she belongs here more than I do and she's still important, I'm just here because she's not.  "Where is she now?"  it's the question that I've always wanted to know but never brave enough to bring it up to Mingyu.

"She's currently at Switzerland for modeling."  Jeonghan response, "She has to go for 3 months that meant she'll be back by next week."

Also, I was told that she, Mingyu and Jungkook grew up together, ate together and go to the same school but the friendship suddenly fall apart due to their family conflict that leaving her with no choice but to take side with her boyfriend even though she is in the same class with Jungkook who was her best friend at the time. I truely respect her for that.

"Sometimes I'm wondering how they maintain their relationship for so long? Was it why they said first love is the only true love?"  So sting, I hope Hoshi is aware that his question can be a knife that stabbed right in my throat. It's way too sharp.

I think I've had enough of the informations today and I wish to hear no more.

After lunch, we go back to our class. And after class I come straight home, shower, eat dinner, do my homework, read my favourite book, watch my favourite tv show but no matter what I do to distract myself from thinking about it, nothing work. The communication we had this morning still rings in my ears, her name, her face and how I can imagine them together, doing all the things that I haven't done with him yet.

My Mingyu.

Does he get dejavu? Does he see a glimpse of her when he look at me? Do our eyes look the same? Because I hate it, hate it to the point where I don't want to know. This feeling haunt me more than a ghost ever would. I'm sure if someone slap me right now i wouldn't feel anything because the heart is bearing with the torture that's a lot more painful. The torture of getting a silence treatment, left with confusion and full of doubts. All I wish to see now is his notification, his name show up on my screen to check up on me, ask me what I'm doing, what I had for dinner, anything, just call me.
Please. Mingyu.



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