0 ▹ Beacon Hills Time

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Who would have thought the day would come when Darren Johnson would move away from her home. Darren didn't. She never expected that her father would tell Darren, a day before spring vacation, that they'd be moving to Beacon Hills, California.

Which wouldn't be quite as bad if the town they were moving to wasn't a place for death to happen. Darren made sure to do her homework on the 500 or so populated town. Apparently, her soon to be home has had multiple murders and unsolved deaths. All ranging from animal attacks, throat slits, and unknown lesions. Teens were the ones who were often the ones found like that. Although on rare occasions, Darren read, adults would go missing and be found days later. Dead.

Darren didn't understand how her father had looked at the place and didn't immediately run the other way. According to him, he had been "drawn" to the crazy-psycho town, at least that's what they said when she asked. Whatever that meant.

The brunette girl spent days trying to talk her father out of moving to Beacon Hills. Though every time she begged, he'd tell her the same thing. "It'll be good for us." Sometimes her dad would also add, "I have a job lined up to be the Deputy of the town."

She was unsure how any of that helped her. Seemed to her it was only helping her father. Darren knew what he was thinking, "this is going to help you meet new people and get you out to explore the world." How she'd get out to explore the world was beyond her knowing when she'd be surrounded by woods.


"Yes, Darren."

Darren Johnson glanced around the overly packed vehicle, she could hardly see her father over all the bulging boxes that separated her and her father. "How much longer?" They've been on the road for nearly five hours already, and with only two bathroom breaks, Darren was dying for a nice long leg stretch.

"Ah," he glanced towards his daughter in the passenger seat, "looking forward to your new home finally?"

Setting her book down on her lap, the teenage girl glanced at the head view mirror and saw her father holding his famous smirk that he always gave his daughter. She rolled her eyes before picking up her nearly finished book and focused on finishing the story.

What Darren didn't know was that she was almost an hour away from her new home. The place that'd change everything about her.

Authors Note:
Thank you for reading,
Destiny xx

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