19 ▹ Some Findings

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Darren hugged her arms around her lower half, feeling a part of herself breaking as she looked around the room that was once neat and tidy. The pain in her abdomen was so strong, making her wonder if it was her own pain or Scott's.

Darren merely dogged the berserkers fists, just in time to see Kate Argent punch Scott in the stomach and make impact into the wall beside her.

The girl took a breath, balancing herself on the pillar to her side. In, out, in out. She continued her breathing exercises and focused on what she needed to do. Before Kate had knocked her out, the werejaguar had given the girl a mission.

"Where are you going with him?!"

Kate snickered and roughly set her foot on the girls chest to keep her down. "You see Darren. I never thought I would live to see a Pakun. So, I'm very interested in you. And I'm intrigued in what you can do. So, lets say, if you can find Scott McCall, if I hadn't already killed him, I'll spare him."

Darren felt around for her phone in her pockets, when she suddenly remembered that Kate had smashed that right before her and the berserker left with Scott. She clenched her first and restrained herself from punching the wall, knowing hurting herself more wasn't going to solve the problem.

She was just frustrated because Darren knew so little about her abilities, so she didn't even know if she would be able to find Scott.  The reasoning behind Kate playing this quote-on-quote game with Darren Johnson, was perplexing to the girl--from what she knew, Kate had to purpose for her abilities (unless there was a deeper purpose to them that she didn't know of), but something in the back of Darren's mind was telling her that Kate was counting on the blossoming Pakun to fail at her mission.

While she had a feeling that Kate wasn't going to kill Scott (because why take him and not do the act there?) she didn't doubt that Kate was about to put the True Alpha through hell. Darren knew she had to show the sociopath bitch what she was capable of. She had to find Scott.

After much struggle and short breaths, Darren made it down all the stairs and outside. She didn't have the time and had no idea how long she had been knocked out, but from how dark it was, she knew it was way later than when she arrived. She didn't even know if the lacrosse game was still going--at least if the game had started then they all knew her and Scott were still missing.

Gritting her teeth, she passed Scott's motorcycle, and started down the road that would undoubtedly take her back towards more civilization. She had to find someone, she needed to find Scott.

After a few minutes of walking through a two lane road that was encompassed in woods, a cars headlights shinned on her. She couldn't see the car through the bright light, but she knew she had to try and get someone to help her. So, even though she knew the driver of the car saw her, she still threw her arm up that wasn't clinging to her abdomen.

Much to her luck, the car stopped and two bodies exited the car in a hurried motion.

"Oh my god, Darren?!"

The called girl took a thankful breath when she heard Stiles call out to her. She focused on the two figures as they emerged from the light, taking notice of Stiles was with his dad, only making the situation possibly better for Darren.

"What happened?" Sheriff Stilinski questioned once he was right in front of Darren and took notice of how she had dried blood all over her face. Thankfully, his son immediately went over to help the girl stand.

She put her weight on the boy before replying to the Sheriff. "Kate. Kate Argent happened."

The two men looked to one another, before rushing Darren into the back seat of Stiles' Jeep. Stiles let his father take the drivers position as he urged Darren to give some kind of explanation. His heart was racing and the more he thought about how dirty and beaten up Darren looked, made Stiles only question how bad Scott must be right now.

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