20 ▹ La Iglesia

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Darren could only hope that she wasn't leading her friends into a trap. She was certain the La Iglesia was where Scott was being held up, because not only had she saw it, but the pack had been there at the end of the break, at the same time Darren and Shaun was arriving in Beacon Hills for the first time. Right now, Shaun were with the girl while they waited for Stiles and Malia to find a scent on the McCall boy and Kira went to search for Lydia—who had been missing since Stiles and his dad found Darren.

Shaun was still trying to convince Darren to stay behind, but she refused. Since eating a little food and drinking some beverages, she was regaining her strength back. Her words from earlier still held strong...she was going to find Scott and she wasn't going to let her friends do all the work while she sat back because it wasn't just dangerous for her, it was dangerous for all of them.

By the time Stiles rolled up to her house with Peter Hale in a lone truck, she gathered her belongings and started out of the door. However, hearing the worried sigh escape her father, she turned around with a soft look.

"I'm going to be fine," she reassured the aging man, "I'll see you later."

The last look they shared before she closed the door behind her was a soft smile. Darren Johnson knew when she came back, she and her father were going to have to have a lengthy conversation. He was still withholding information that she deserved to know, and she had some questions and apologies to give him because she knows that everything he has done has been to protect her. And maybe, he was going about protecting her the wrong way, but he did it because he loved her and didn't deserve her lingering anger.

"You're riding with Malia and Peter," Stiles explained, jumping out the back of the truck. She gave him a questioning look, wondering why he was in the back of a holding cell truck and why Peter Hale had to come along. "Liam is coming along, and Kira is already in the passenger seat as backup...and...I don't like the idea of Malia being with Peter."

So, they hadn't found Lydia? She wanted to ask Stiles about the strawberry-blonde but knew they needed to get moving. So instead of holding the show, she nodded to him and went to the van.

Malia smiled to the girl and motioned her to the backseat. As the brunette girl opened the door, her ears were burst open by the loud music resonating from the speakers. She grimaced at the loud sound and hopped in, giving a weak greeting to the former alpha and his biological daughter. He hummed in reply and Darren scarcely heard it over the music.

"Did Kira find Lydia?" She had to slightly yell over the sound and it seemed Malia seemed to understand and turn the music down to a reasonable volume.

"No," Malia explained, turning around in the seat to get a better look at the Pakun. "She checked her house and was about to check the school, but we had to get going, so Liam is having his friend check for her."

Darren assumed that meant Mason because Liam didn't have many friends aside from the boy and the pack. The thought of the naïve human boy getting into supernatural problems scared her though, I hope they're both alright...

They quieted down, and the majority of the ride remained in silence aside from the soft noise of the radio. Darren noticed how Malia kept her eyes out of the passenger window and away from Peter Hale and the girl couldn't blame her, Peter kept giving the two girls looks that expressed different emotions—Peter was concerned for his daughter but annoyed that the other girl was there with them.

It was nighttime by the time Peter finally said something to Malia and at that point, Darren wasn't sure if she should but-in and stop the bonding.

"You worried about Stiles?"

Malia quickly glanced at the older male, shooting a look in the rearview mirror. Darren remained still and unsure about what she should do and shrugged to the werecoyote. The Pakun found this as harmless conversation and didn't see any harm in it, right now.

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