7 ▹ Final Deadpool

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Scott was still at Deatons when he received a call from Darren. The girl explained her situation; about how she was in town and didn't want to walk home in the dark. She didn't sound too distressed over the call, but Scott got the feeling that she was slightly worried. The boy, of course, told her to get somewhere safe and he would be there when he could even though he had originally planned on staying with Liam the whole night so when he woke up from the wolfsbane he would have one familiar face.

Mr. Argent and Deaton watched the young werewolf run his hands through his hair in distress while also pacing near Liam body. They both overheard the conversation and could tell the girl, Darren Johnson, wasn't in a good position right now with being so high up on the Deadpool.

Finally, the former hunter spoke up, causing Scott to pause his pacing. "Scott, go. I'll stay with Liam." The two made eye contact and Argent could see the hesitation and uncertainty flash through his eyes and the male nodded to the teenager. "Go."

Scott ran off, grabbing his motorbikes keys off the table, and speeding off to where Darren said she would be waiting. 


"Thank you," Darren thanked the boy. Scott turned off his bike and pulled off his helmet. Even though the forced smile, Darren could see the energy in the Alpha draining with every minute that ticked on. The past few days had really taken a toll on his spirit; because with Liam almost dying, being attacked by Violet, and the constant need to protect everyone, it was all too much for a seventeen-year-old.

Scott handed Darren a spare helmet as his eyes roaming down her arms and chest before quickly snapping them back up to her glowing face. He could feel his cheeks heat up, even more so, when Darren didn't seem to notice the staring and her attention focused on the helmet.

She quickly pulled the helmet on and followed Scott to the bike. Her arms slipped around his hips and both flinched as a sharp shocking sensation passed between the two. A second later, Darren laughed it off and rewrapped her arms around his waist.

After a good drive, and complicated directions from Darren, the two arrived at the Johnson household. They hopped off the bike and Darren allowed Scott to help her steady her footing. She used to ride on motorcycles all the time when her dad was an at-home-dad and the two had more time to spend together, so she forgot the dizzy spells she always used to get being on the fast vehicle.

She handed Scott the helmet after regaining her toes and gave him a small smile. "Seriously, thank you."

The smile was quickly wiped off her face when she realized something was wrong. Scott wasn't forcing a smile anymore and kept tapping his toes and looking around anxiously. "What's wrong?"

Scott looked up and sighed, "you think I could come in to talk to you?"

Darren glanced behind her. All the lights were off aside from the living room. She clenched her jaw realizing her father was probably right beside the door ready to jump on her case about being late.

"Sure, you might have to deal with the fury of my dad, but sure."

She leads the way and cautiously opened the door, not surprised it was unlocked and certainly not surprised to find her father leaning against the door frame of the living room with a disappointed look. A look that quickly turned into narrowed eyes and a frown when he caught sight of Scott closing the door behind him. Darren watched as Shawn tried to wrap his head around his daughter breaking two rules in one night.

Darren sighed and rolled her eyes. "I'm sorry... I got caught up looking around town and didn't realize what time it was. I didn't plan on being out that long, and since I was out so far I didn't feel safe walking back in the dark with all the murders happening. So I called him and he helped bring me home safe. And I need to talk to him for a moment." 

She took a deep breath watching her father glare at Scott for a moment before shifting it to Darren. He was happy she didn't run home in the dark but he was upset she was ignorant about even going out when she knows about he murders. He sighed and ran his hand down his face, trying to make himself let the situation go.

He sighed much like Darren had and shook his head. "I'm going to bed." He sent a pointed look to his daughter, "you know the rule."

With that, he trudged himself up the stairs and to his room, shutting the door behind him. Darren and Scott watched him and when they were clear to talk in private, Darren motioned Scott to follow her to the kitchen. He settled himself on a stool while Darren prepared two glasses with water.

"Liam's resting at Deaton's," Scott started off, taking the glass from Darren. He took a small sip. "He'll be fine."

Darren smiled softly, "good."

"Garrett's dead," Darren spun around and faced Scott with wide eyes. She was horrified by the information. Scott nodded slightly, going into the explanation about how Garrett forced him to get back Violet out of a police van. A van that was transporting her to a more secure location, when he, his father, and Stiles' father were attacked by unusual creatures. According to Scott, they resembled a large man in a skeleton costume.

Darren leaned against the counter. "Is everyone alright?" She asked, but then grimaced at the stupidity of that question. "You know, aside from Garrett."

"They'll be fine." He took another drink of the water, giving him more time to think. He knew he needed to tell her about the last third of the list that Stiles and Lydia just deciphered. "Stiles and Lydia found the last third of the list. Everyone else is on it," Scott explained. Liam and Malia, were on the list, making the situation even more stressful than it was for the group.

Darren thought for a moment, blurting out the first thing she thought. "Is my dad on it?" Scott let down the glass and raised his brows at the question. He shook his head. "I was just wondering — I mean, I have to be whatever I am because of my family, right?"

The two made eye contact.

"I don't know, Darren."


For the rest of the week, Shaun Johnson drove his daughter to school and left her to find a ride home. Sometimes she got a ride from Stiles, while other times she got a ride from Lydia, and occasionally she would even get dropped off by Scott. Shaun would have preferred to pick her up but his work at the office was becoming more and more hectic as the days went on. To be honest, he wasn't too keen on the idea of Darren hanging out with that group of people, because he was fully aware of what was going down in Beacon Hills, California.

He had been working alongside Jordan Parish since the two were the newest on the job. With them and Sherriff Stilinski, the three went out and tried to figure out what was going on. However, Stilinski was being cautious around Parish and Johnson since both of their last names was on the Deadpool list.

Jordan Parrish, five-million and Darren Johnson, twenty-million. While Parish's name was on the list, Shaun Johnson's daughter's name was on the list. The Sheriff hadn't talked to the man about it yet; he wasn't even sure if Shaun had seen it yet, so Stilinski was afraid about how the man would react. The Sheriff has spoken to his son about it and on more than one occasion he had seen Stiles' board in his room filled with Darren's name in her own category with question marks surrounding her name.

No one knew what Darren Johnson was.

No one knew if Shaun Johnson knew anything about it.

No one knew anything about the Johnsons. And that alone could be dangerous.

somewhat edited
Destiny xx

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