14 ▹ The Pakun

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"Back off," Chris Argent yelled at his sister. His fingers grazing over the trigger, daring to shoot her through the skull. Stiles was still in front of Darren, his eyes watching in caution. Darren on the other hand was thinking about what Kate just told her. The Pakun. She had no idea what the crazed women was talking about, unsure if the women was in her right mind and knew what she had just told the girl.

Kate Argent only laughed at his brother, "you sure you can pull the trigger fast enough?"

The older Argent clenched his teeth and glared hard at the women he used to call family. "I don't want to."

"Your not going to kill me." Darren noticed how the women was so sure in what she was saying. While Darren wasn't so sure Argent wouldn't pull the trigger if he needed to.

"I'm not going to let you take his body." Darren noticed Chris shaking as he yelled at her.

Stiles cleared his throat and tightened his hand around Darren's wrist, making sure she was with him and safe. "Well, obviously you guys have a lot to talk about. So maybe me and Darren should go get some coffee, go to the vending machine, outside?"

Darren couldn't help but roll her eyes and pull her hand free from Stiles' grip. The two teenagers gave one another a sharp look, before turning back to Chris and Kate.

"You listen to me, Kate. We have a plan."

"And if killing Scott was part of it, you're worst then me."

Darren took a step beside Stiles, letting her thought about her being a pacun be set free as she focused on the problem at hand. Protecting Scott and getting the Benefactor. "He's telling the truth, we're trying to get to the Benefactor."

Stiles shook his head, knowing full well that Darren shouldn't be saying anything. She didn't know how unstable Kate was; hell, no one did. He sighed as Chris continued growling at the supernatural creature. 

"If you didn't notice, you're on that list too." Chris pointed out, "worth more than most."

Kate struggled in his grip as she narrowed her dark eyed on her brother, "that's why I'm here."

"Then back off and let us do what we planned." Kate stayed silent as she contemplated what brother Argent said. She loosened her struggling, before noticing the watch on his wrist. She took a hold on his arm and twisted it for her to see, where she noticed it counting down. Now at three minutes. "Take the berserkers and go. Kate, please, we have a plan."

Everything seemed to go by so fast as Kate backed off from Chris. She didn't leave right away, sending a narrowed look at Chris and Stiles, the look lingering on Darren. She growled under her breath as she walked from the room, leaving only the three teens.

It had been minutes later, when Kira ran in. Herself being fully aware of what little time they had left to wake Scott from his slumber. Everything from them went into position, Darren and Stiles pulled Scott's metal cart out, with Kira coming to stand beside Darren.

She did as she had from the beginning, and lowered her palm on McCall's heart. Lightning filled the room as Kira's power overtook the scene. A second later the light had died out and Kira backed up, praying her friend would wake up soon.

The Kitsune looked up at Darren, giving her short nod. That's when Scott McCall's eyes fluttered open and loud scream left his lips. Kira moved over as Darren Johnson put her hand over Scott's chest to lower him back on the table. His brown eyes met Darren's and everything seemed to come back to him. He was back in reality.

He sighed and Darren chuckled, leaning over to grab his in a tight hug. He sighed again as she let him go and backed up.

"What happened? Did it work?" His eyes left Darren's to Kira's. 

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