10 ▹ Deadly Attack

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After the door closed behind the teens, Darren went and sat down with Scott following her right behind. Kira was passing in front of them and Stiles was with a very much asleep Malia a few feet away.

After a while of the same thing, Darren laid her head down on Scott's shoulder. Her whole body was feeling weak and her head was thumping with Kira's footsteps. The McCall boy slung his arm around Darren when he felt her shiver.

"You know this is where it all started." Stiles voice echoed when he looked over at Scott and Darren, "that's where the money was," Darren sat up and looked to her right and saw a large safe sitting up, mocking them. "One-hundred-and-Seventy-million in bearer bonds."

"How do you even change bearer bonds into cash?" Kira asked, nosing around in all the junk the Hale's had hidden away.

Darren shuffled in her seat, "probably the bank." Her voice came out rough and scratchy, almost like she hadn't spoken in weeks. The sound alarmed Scott, but he didn't say anything.

"They just let it sit here the whole time collecting dust." Stiles soothed out Malia's hair, "you know bearer bonds are basically extinct."

Kira sat down beside Darren, "why does that matter?"

Darren laughed through her nose, "he's talking about how many problems that money could solve."

"For you?" Kira shot out at the boy on the ground.

"Me. My dad. Eichen House and the MRI bills are crushing him."

Scott glanced down, "mom does this thing, she writes down all the items in out budget, and how much they cost, then she adds them all up and figures out how long we have until," he trailed off and Darren put a comforting hand on his shoulder, "until we lose the house."


Scott and Stiles laid their head on the concrete wall. Stiles was worried for his best friend, he was getting sweaty and he could see the sickness in his eyes.

"They're looking for us," the werewolf stated, taking a step back from the wall, "someone needs to go out there."

Stiles moved his eyes from his friend to his girlfriend. Malia was breathing heavily and it was no competition to know the werecoyote was doing the worst out of the four. Darren right behind Malia.

Scott looked form Malia to Darren, she was laying down on the bench Scott was previously at. Her eyes were tightly shut and her hands were squeezing her ears, as she tried to block out any sound or light.

"We need to tell Malia the truth about Peter." Scott whispered to Stiles, "she's going to see the rest of the dead pool eventually."

Stiles walked up to Scott, "try to remember Peter is the one name missing on that list. Which either makes him incredibly luck or the benefactor. And she finds out about him, she'll go to him, you know she will. And then he's going to twist his way into her head like he does with everyone, including us. We let him walk around like nothing ever happened, like he's one of the good guys. . .Scott, he's not one of the good guys. If she learns about him, she's gone. And that's probably what he's waiting for, he wins and we lose."

"We're already losing." Scott stated, showing his friend his hand, where his fingers started dripping black blood.



The said girl lifted her head off the concrete bench and forcefully opened her eyes to find Scott beside her, on his knees to be at her level.

"Hmm?" She mumbled, sitting up with the help of Scott.

Her eyes were cloudy and everything around her was spinning. "You're going to have to leave with Stiles for a while." Her eyes widen and she took notice of Stiles comforting Malia.

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