3 ▹ Deadpool

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"It's a Deadpool, a hit list of supernatural creatures." Stiles Stilinski explained to his best friend. He pulled out a neatly folded piece of paper and handed it off to Scott McCall. "This is only part of it though, the rest will have to be decoded."

Lydia Martin found the Deadpool a few hours ago by using the cipher key: Allison. Stiles gave all the information to Scott McCall before the werewolf could even look at the piece of paper. The thought of Allison being the first of the cipher keys made Scott's heart tighten in pain, but he forcefully ignored his feelings as he read down the list. 

First, he noticed his name on the list, then Lydia's, and Kira's, and a few others of his friends. He was happy when he didn't find Liam's name on it. However, he was both shocked and confused when his eyes landed on the name Darren Johnson right under Scott McCall.


Stiles nodded. "Yeah. I guess you were right about her being something. Just what though?"

Scott shook his head, tracing his fingers across the numbers, "what are these numbers by the names?"

"Okay, I thought since Peter and Derek's safe got robbed," Stiles started, grabbing a pen and a blank sheet of paper, he wrote a number, "I think they'll all add up to one-hundred-and-seventy-million. So--" 

With that Stiles started to write K for thousand and M for million. The first four were thousand, Scott was twenty-five million, Lydia was twenty-million, Darren Johnson was also twenty-million. Both boys were dumbfounded that Darren was so high up in the millions.

"So you think there might be three more lists?" Scott questioned, watching Stiles tape the paper to his investigation board and crossing off the names of the people who were already murdered with a red marker.

Stiles spit the marker cap in the air and caught it, before putting it back where it belonged. "Possibly. But I think the real problem here is since we know Darren, what should we do?"


Darren waved to her father as he drove away from the school. She noticed how strange he was acting this morning, but when she brought it up to him, he told her not to worry about it and that the new case was a strange one. The whole ride to school was tense and Darren could tell the man wanted to explain the case to her, but was remaining silent and causing the atmosphere to grow more awkward.

As soon as her father's car left her sights, Darren started towards the school. She stopped, however, feeling multiple eyes boring into her skin. She tightened her fist around her backpack strap and glanced around the schoolyard, but didn't find any piercing eyes, and instead, she started getting pushed around by teenagers irritated by her sudden pausing steps.

She shook her head and traveled into the school, ignoring the eyes that seemed to follow her movements. She rapidly tugged out her English notebook from her bookbag and shoved the rest of her books into her locker, before quietly walking down the hallway.

She was halfway to class when she felt something like a hammer beat against the side of her head. Her eyes slammed shut in pain as her book fell from her hands and whipped over her twitching eyelids. She whimpered at the intense pain moving through her skull and down to her toes. Taking a thick breath, she nervously opened her eyes. 

A bright light beamed over her vision, before dimming down and leaving her in a new surrounding. Prior to the head pain, she was standing in the daylit hallway of Beacon Hills, but now, after opening her eyes, she realized she was outside the school under the moonlight. Even if her vision was blurry and constantly shaking, she could easily tell what was happening around her.

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