13 ▹ When Friends Pass

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Scott McCall dead. Payment requested.

Stiles Stilinski's mouth opened in shock at what Darren Johnson had sent to the Benefactor. He expected the sophisticated teenager to send out something more advanced and spy-like related. So when the girl sent that simple five worded, two sentence, request to the leader, he was overall disappointed.

"That's your assassin speak?" Stiles exclaimed. 

Darren rolled her eye and covered her hands with her jacket sleeve as she felt the presence of the former werewolf hunter. After the teens assured McCall that nothing would happen to her son, Stiles and Darren left to go find Mr. Chris Argent. Which was where they were currently. The basement of the last living Argent's house. 

"Okay," Darren started, "I said he was dead and anyway, that's what he told me to write."

She was speaking about Argent, as her arm swung around to point to the man who was a few feet back from the two teenagers.

Argent narrowed his eyes at the boy,  "what more do you want?" 

"Well it was a little dry! You could have said something like, 'target has been neutralized' you know, 'the crow flies at midnight'. That's always cool."

Darren didn't get to retort something back to the boy, as the laptop buzzed with a new message.

Visual confirmation is required.

"Type this," Chris told the newest girl to the pack, "visual confirmation isn't possible. Please come to claim body in forty minutes."

Darren did as said and Stiles was surprised at how quick the Johnson's typing was. At seventeen, he didn't even remotely type as fast as that seventeen year old girl. He watched as she sent the message and both him and her sighed as the Benefactor sent the same message to Darren.

"Tel him the number one list is dead. I killed him and if the wired transfer isn't here in forty minutes--" Chris stomped forward and took the computer from Darren's final typing and write his own thing:

I'm coming after you.


Almost as soon as Chris sent that threatening message to the Benefactor, he and the teens rushed back to the hospital. On the entire ride, Darren stayed silent as Argent and Stiles made up a camera plan.

Chris planned to plant his own cameras around the hospital, while Stiles got the computers booted up. They ignored the fact that Darren could simply hack into the hospital's manufacturing system and divert the camera's from the main screen to Stiles' screen. Darren assumed that the risk was too risky.

"Okay, Stiles. Try it now." Chris stated over the speaker phone. 

Stiles set down his cell and booted the computers up, putting a smile on the four teens faces when they noticed the laptops flash twelve different angles of the hospital. The last computer was sitting in Darren's lap, as she sat on the bed where the three laptops with the videos were set on.

Darren's eyes stayed glued to her screen, but after a few minutes of waiting for something to happen nothing did. The brunette set the laptop down and rubbed her face, her hands suddenly getting that drenched feeling one gets after running in gym and feeling ones neck. It felt like she had just quit running a mile.

"Is that suppose to look like that?" Liam inquired about the screen to the roof where the quality of the picture suddenly went blank and static, before going grey. No signal.

Stiles shook his head and pushed Liam to the side, getting a closer look at the lost video. "No, no it's not."

"Where is that?" Kira asked.

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