16 ▹ Bomb This Bonfire

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It was almost like as soon as the fire lit--the party started. People cheered and downed their alcohol, the music vibrated everyone's body as they danced to the beat, and for Darren Johnsons she just held a red solo cup in one hand as her other hand brushed through her hair. Mason--who's mom was kind enough to drop her and Liam off at the bonfire--watched his best friend and the older girl (who he considered a friend as well) drink away like the world was about to crumble down. Which to the supernatural creatures, it was. 

 Liam was sitting on a picnic table pouring a bottle of something into a Gatorade bottle. Darren had snickered when he first brought that out, she called him a pussy, until he pulled out the bottle. She too help her own bottle, it was wrapped in a paper sack. It was only when she dropped her red solo cup, did she just drink from the bottle. She didn't care if she got caught.

"You're not going to tell me to slow down?" Liam questioned Mason after he downed his entire bottle.

Darren didn't hear his response because she started staggering her way towards a dancing werecoyote. Her feet were like jello as she moved through the grass, as she tripped once more a hand grabbed her upper arm.

The Pacun looked up to her savor and she grinned when it was Scott McCall. He was walking from Malia to where Liam and Darren were, when the female started her way towards the coyote. He noticed the stench of alcohol surrounding her and he took notice of the vodka bottle and how it was nearly empty.

"How you doin'?" Darren questioned in a slur. She giggled towards the end and Scott puckered his lips as he stared down at the female. He knew her as the beautiful and brilliant class and pack member. She wasn't herself and that was due to the alcohol (and Scott knew he'd have to drive her home--luckily he brought his mothers car for this reason, even if it resulted in him havng to pick her up from work).

He was about to reply to her when Malia suddenly staggered forward and fell into Darren, knocking the two teenagers to the ground. Scott quickly moved and picked up both tipsy females. He formed a confused expression when Malia started giggling like Darren had done moments ago.

"You are drunk?"

"Yup." Malia popped the 'p' at the end, which sent the two females into a fit of laughter.

"But you can't be?" Scott glanced to his left at Liam, to find him falling down in a drunken manner as well. 

"Is this what drunk feels like?" Malia questioned and even if Darren was out of it, she knew Malia felt pretty terrible. Not like how Darren was feeling. "It doesn't feel as good as I hoped."

"I don't think it's suppose to." Scott responded, watching Malia carefully as she swayed on her feet, her cheeks puffing in and out. He grabbed her bottle and sniffed it. "What is this? What did you have to drink?"

"Just vodka!" Malia spoke loudly, while Darren just looked from one another. In her drunken state, she was just as confused as Scott. And she also knew something was going on, but her mind was swirling and she couldn't focus on one thing at once.

Scott put Malia's arm around his neck as he motioned for Darren to follow him. "Stay in your feet and keep moving." Darren nodded and tried her best to stay behind Scott, but every few steps or so, she would start to fall to her side, before catching herself and continuing her way.

What felt like a lifetime to Darren, but really only a minute, Scott sat down Malia on the grass as Darren went and sat beside Liam. She rubbed her hands over her face as Scott came back and handed each member a bottle of water. She opened the water and was about to take a drink when a sudden loud buzz rang into her ears. She dropped the water, covered her ears, when she was sucked into a vision as Stiles had called them one weekend.

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