5 ▹ Small Intervention

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Darren woke up with her a sharp pain in her back. She felt chilly and when her fingers grazed over the smooth surface she had been sleeping on, she wasn't surprised by her side effects. Her body was laid on a cold metal table, much like the examination tables she had seen at veterinarian offices.

She groaned as she began moving around. Her back was seriously stiff and she felt like she needed a nice stretch. She moved her arm to her right and felt it collide with something that hissed in pain. Her eyes shot open and she turned her head in the source of the noise and saw Stiles gripping his stomach. 

Her eyes widen when she took in her surroundings. She was in a small brick room with Stiles, Lydia, and some dark-skinned man that Darren didn't recognize. She went to sit up on the table when her head started pounding in dislike. She hissed much like Stiles had and grabbed her head. 

The strawberry-blonde pulled out two white pills out of her pocket and handed them to Darren with a bottle of water. While Darren would never take anything from a stranger — especially since she had had no idea what was happening or why she was in this situation — she was desperate for the pain to leave and took the medication greedily and swallowed them, downing the water quickly.

After setting aside the plastic bottle, Stiles moved around Lydia fumbling with his hands, reminding Darren of last night before she passed out from the pain she was going through. At the reminder of the pain, Darren instantly looked down to her thigh with a flinch. The pain was gone, but the memory of what happened was still with her. 

"You remember what happened?" The dark skinned man spoke with a frown. He watched her with cautious eyes. He didn't know anything about this girl. For all he knew, she could be like Brett was or when Derek had been transformed into a child again — he wasn't sure if she would lash out at them.

Darren rubbed her thigh softly. "I remember the pain."

Stiles sighed, "yeah."

He took a glance at Lydia who shrugged her shoulder. Both teens took steps the opposite way, revealing a shirtless boy passed out on the partnering examination table. He shocked Darren at first, but she realized this was the boy who had been dragged off the lacrosse field for getting injured.

"His pain."

"What?" The brunette ran her fingers through her messy hair, thinking over what Stiles had just said to her. How could she feel someones else pain? That wasn't possible and Darren firmly believed that. She had a 4.5 GPA and she had never read anything non-fictional about another person experiencing someone else's pain. "I have no idea what you're talking about?"

A door closed and footsteps echoed around the corner and Scott McCall walked in with a tired look on his face. He noticed his friends corning a table and turned to see Darren awake and he instantly brightened up.

"You're awake?"

"What is going on?" Darren stuttered, afraid of what was happening. She passed out from the intense pain and wakes up feeling fine aside from a headache and all of a sudden she is surrounded by multiple people. 

Stiles pulls out a folded piece of paper from his pocket and hands it to Darren reluctantly. This isn't how Stiles wanted to tell the clueless girl, but this was how it'd have to go down to protect her. 

She nervously took the paper from Stiles as her eyes trailed down the piece of paper. She noticed some names that she knew,  including Scott McCall and Lydia Martin, but she also saw something that made her body grow cold once again. Darren Johnson. Her own name was on the list with a nice large twenty by her name and a handwritten M beside it. Twenty-Million.

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