21 ▹ Peter's Power

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"Stop! Stop!" Darren, Stiles, and Kira all yelled together as they ran into the room where Malia, Liam, and Peter were getting ready to kill the Berserker that was actually Scott McCall. Liam and Peter were holding the hidden male down while Malia was aiming for his head with a piece of bone. "Malia, wait!"

Kira pushed passed Stiles and Darren and swung her katana down on the bone Malia had, knocking it away from the werecoyote.

Malia narrowed her eyes on the kitsune but turned her attention to Stiles and Darren.

"It's Scott," Stiles whispered.

"It's Scott..." Darren said just as quietly, her eyes moving to the boy who was covered in Berserker bones and twine.

Lydia had warned Darren that Liam and Malia were going to kill Scott because he had been transformed into a Berserker. Darren didn't quite understand what that meant or what being a Banshee was, but she wasn't going to question the girl when Scott's life was on the line. She trusted Lydia Martin and she trusted her friend's judgment on the girl's unique powers.

Berserker Scott growled and pushed Liam back into Darren, making the girl fall backward with Liam laying on top of her. He went over to Malia and knocked her down and moved back to the werewolf that was still on the older girl.

"Scott? Scott?" Kira panicked. Scott wasn't in his right mind, they all knew that. "Don't."

Stiles stepped forward to try and talk some sense into his best friend. "Scott? It's me—" He was pushed to the side and Berserker Scott grabbed Liam by the throat and pushed Darren back after she tried to grab the young werewolf, her back harshly made contact with the wall and she gasped as she felt the air leave her lungs for a short moment.

"Scott...?" Liam whimpered, his eyes shifting from his Alpha to Darren and back. His attention, however, was quickly taken by the fist that Scott was raising and the boy twitched in the older boys arms. "Scott? Scott? Listen! Listen! Listen! You're not a monster! You're a werewolf! ... Like me."

Darren struggled back to her feet, but her eyes were on Scott. She could see he was struggling to fight back the Berserker urge to kill Liam. And while she wanted to say something to the boy she cared for, she knew that the more noise and commotion would only confuse him and with his fist lowering, she knew Liam had gotten through their leader and Alpha.

Her eyes widen as Scott dropped Liam and started twitching. A few moments later he started ripping off the dressing of the Berserker and breaking the skull into two, revealing the Alpha everyone in the room knew. Daren was surprised when Scott didn't look at any of his friends and instead, his Alpha red eyes focused darkly on the eldest male in the room.

"You." The pack turned their attention to Peter Hale, whose eyes were as narrowed as Scotts were. "The only one who knew as much as Argent about Berserkers. About the Nagual. You taught Kate. You helped her. All for power."

"For my family's power! To be rightfully inherited by me. Not usurped by some idiot teenage boy, so incorruptible, he wouldn't even shed the blood of this enemies even when justified. You don't deserve your power." Peters' voice broke into a deep and dark growl. His eyes shined a bright blue as his face contorted into one of a werewolf. "Not power like this."

He roared and took a step towards Scott, but as Malia went to stop him, he tossed her aside easily.

"Oh, sorry, sweetheart, we'll talk about this later."

Scott stopped his friends from making any moves on Peter. This was a fight meant for only Scott McCall and Peter Hale.

"You were my Beta first, Scott. It was my bite that changed your life. And my bite that can end it."

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