9 ▹ A Serious Problem

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A.N.// I changed the cover, tell me if you like it! Or if I should change it back!

Multiple figures in over sized yellow safety suits, walked down the halls of Beacon Hills High, carrying yellow and black cases with them. To Darren, who was watching from behind Stiles, grew pale when she thought about what was in the cases. From her research on the CDC, she knew they carried around a variety of tools and medication.

Something cold touched her exposed wrist, and when Darren glanced up she saw Malia giving the girl a pointed look, basically seeing if she was alright. From across the room, Malia was able to pick up the sound of Darren's racing heart rate quickly among the others. It had something do do about Darren's heart beat and how it catches the attention of Malia quickly when she is in distress.

Darren's eyes moved from Malia to her hand, before turning back to the people in yellow outfits. She could feel the werecoyotes eyes on her, even when Darren took deep breaths to control her heart rate. Malia could smell the anxiety on the teen. She reeked of it.

"Keep your students in the classroom," one man stated to Natalie Martin, catching the attention of Darren's peers, "we'll come and get the ones that are experiencing affects from the virus when it's time."

He walked off and the redhead pushed the few children back into the infected classroom. Darren shivered when she took steps back into the room, something was chilling her to the bone, and Scott noticed her unease. And for the second time in a few minutes another supernatural creature grabbed her wrist.

The Alpha went to open his mouth, but Darren shut him up before he could say anything.

"I'm fine, Scott." She said, tugging her hand from his light grip, and shuffling her feet a few feet from other people, Scott following, her voice went from a sharp tone to a whisper "something's just wrong."

Scott glanced around at his friends and peers, making sure no one was overhearing his and Darren's conversation. His voice too went to a whisper, "what do you mean something's wrong?"

Darren shook her head and was about to reply when another thump sounded from the wall. Instead of a student collapsing, it was the CDC employees putting up foggy plastic on the only windows to see what was going on, on the other side.

Stiles, Malia and Kira were watching the ordeal, when Stiles turned to his best friend with a frown, the new attention to Scott gave Darren the chance to leave and inspect the windows closer, trading spots with the Stilinski boy.

While Scott's attention was off the brunette girl, Kira and Malia's eyes were locked on Darren's after she replaced a Stiles. Although the two girls were giving Darren an unnerving look, she couldn't help but give her full attention on the window.

Even though the window was foggy and difficult to see through, she could still make out the blurry silhouettes and from how they were rushing around, nothing seemed to be going well for the Beacon Hills High students. Especially the ones that were going to be drugged out of the classroom and tossed into a sealed bubble. That was the last thing Darren wanted to happen to her.

She even made a comment to Scott before the CDC came about not letting them take her. For some reason, Darren felt as if she would get worse if she was shoved in a room full of sick people. Though that was just her, she wasn't too sure on how her abilities worked. But being stuck with sick people didn't seem like a great thing to do.

"How do you feel?" Kira asked when Darren sighed and rested her forehead against the cool glass.

She stood up and eyed Kira, "right now I'm fine. You just can't let them take me." Her plead stuck with Kira and Malia, who stared at the skinny girl with empathy.

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