17 ▹ Mama Love Fixer

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"Jesus Christ!"

Melissa McCall smiled lightly at Darren as she replaced the gauges on the brunettes head. The teenage girl was rushed into the hospital by her own son and his beta and Mason Hewitt last night. It wasn't long after that till Liam and Mason left the hospital. It had been Melissa who forcefully made her son leave the girls room after she was stitched up and placed in a hospital bed to sleep off the medication they injected her with.

The mother of the werewolf quickly taped the bandage over her head and dramatically dropped back on her tray. She held back a laugh.

"All done." She went over to the rooms sink and washed her hands off. "Should I go get your dad?"

"Uh," Darren stuttered. "No, that won't be necessary. You said Stiles was here?"

This time the nurse paused and awkwardly answered her. "Uh," she thought back at the reminder of locking Malia and Stiles in a room with hope Malia wouldn't kill the other and hopefully resolve the main issue. "Yeah, but he's busy."

Darren didn't get to question Scott's mother on that as her phone buzzed on the side table. As steadily as the brunette could do, she picked her phone up and read the name Scott and a short message.

Found the Benefactor. I'll talk to you tomorrow.

Darren let her eyes fall as she shakily typed back a two lettered message.

Stay safe.

She let the phone fall on her lap as she focused her eyes on the dimming screen.

The girl had learned a lot over the past few months. She had learned the unreal was real. She had learned she was a creature known as a Pacun. And she quickly learned Scott was never not doing anything--he was either finding out new information or he was getting himself in a situation where he could possibly get killed.

"You know he really cares about you." Darren's heart quickened as Melissa continued keeping a conversation up with her. "The moment I met you I could tell why."

Darren chuckled awkwardly as she replied to the mother. "I'm not anything special."

"You might not think so," she leaned in as if she was telling a secret to the younger girl, "but to him, you're something."

Her cheeks inflamed at the words, but Mrs. McCall didn't say anything on it and instead picked up her tray and left the room. She wanted to leave Darren to her thoughts. Melissa was happy to see her son finally happy to look at someone else, almost the same way he looked to Allison. Both Darren and Melissa knew no one could take over the little Argents spot in Scott's heart, but Melissa knew Darren could help build his broken heart back into something and even take a place right beside where Allison was.

Darren Johnson wanted to be in Scott McCall's heart.


"You hacked into Beacon Hills hospital?"

"Why do you seen troubled by that? You wanted me to find her. And guess what? I found her."

"Do you even know how we're going to kill her? There's not much information on her kind."

"A knife to the brain should work. She's not like werewolves or other healing creatures. Pakun's don't self heal."

Darren's eyes shot open. She was still in the hospital since the doctors wanted to keep her there overnight for observations. Nobody was in the room beside herself, which caused her deep breaths to echo. She felt scared. And she had a feeling why.

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