6 ▹ Living the Truth

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Beacon Hills would really be the only school to have classes that day after the whole town learns they were schooling two assassins, one of which is still out and running about. Maybe they thought it was safer for the children to be in the same area in case Garrett wanted to come after one of them. Also, sure, Darren had a whole weekend to calm down from the truth that was revealed to her, but she'd like to never go back to the psychotic school ever again. In fact, a huge part of her wanted to leave Beacon Hills altogether.

She couldn't confide in her father about her worries though. She didn't want him to worry about her safety. She couldn't let him know that his daughter was being hunted for twenty-million dollars — that'd drive him insane, and if Darren knew her father then she'd be locked up for life till all the assassins were dead or locked behind bars. So she had to go to school without any complaint.

She wasn't just afraid of the assassins, she was afraid of meeting with the werewolves, the banshee, the werecoyote, the kitsune, and even the human boy. Over the weekend, she had forced herself to message Liam Dunbar (after getting his number from Mason) about the situation. None of them told her, but she figured from the clues that Liam was a werewolf and Scott was his Alpha — which Liam explained his side of the story and why he had run out in front of her and her dad's car. He didn't want to be apart of Scott's pack, but the boy didn't ahve much choice, he didn't have anywhere to go for help now that he was a werewolf. Darren was int he same boat as him.

Her dad left early for work needing to meet up with the Sheriff and someone named Jordan Parrish, so that left her with riding the bus — the one thing she hated more than Beacon Hills.

It was now second period and Darren hadn't seen Stiles, Lydia, or even Liam. She was beginning to grow antsy, and Mason wasn't making it any better. 

"Have you seen Liam?" He asked the older girl, who shook her head, "we went on a jog this morning and I haven't seen him since. I'm starting to worry."

Darren quickly took out her phone and tried to call the freshman, but was sent to his voicemail after three rings. She furrowed her eyebrows, someone was denying her calls and she didn't think Liam would do something like that. Maybe if he was wanting to be alone, but Mason seemed generally concerned for his friend's safety, so something was clearly wrong.

She knew she had to go talk to Scott. She hurriedly rushed through the halls, keeping her eye out for the boy. Darren had caught sight of Scott earlier that morning talking on his phone so she was able to maneuver around him without him seeing her. If Scott really was the Alpha, she knew he was the one to go to about this circumstance. Mason followed close behind her, checking his messages over and over.

As she rounded a corner, Darren nearly ran straight into the boy she was looking for. He grabbed her shoulders to steady her as his eyes examined her physique. Her hair was falling from her ponytail and little beads of sweat dripped down her cheeks. Her heart was also beating loudly and quickly, which he noticed happened to her whenever she was stressed.

"What's wrong?"

Darren took a deep breath and explained what Mason had told her, the boy only speaking up when Darren seemed unsure. Her hands started shaking, along with Mason's but the younger boy grabbed her hand in a comforting hold. He gave the older boy an upsetting look.

"We were on a run...I haven't seen him since he ran off."

Mason didn't understand why Scott seemed so concerned learning that Liam was missing. He had taken notice of the relationship between his friend and the older group of teens but didn't know anything past that. On the other hand, Darren was more shaken up than even Mason was, making the boy wonder what kind of danger Liam really was in. The likelihood of Liam being taken by an assassin was high and that made the two Juniors more worried as the seconds ticked on.

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