2 ▹ Crazy People Here

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"So let me see if I've got this right," Darren nodded to her father in the driver's seat, "the boy who survived getting murdered, just got murdered. But..." Her father sighed in the seat beside her, driving her home from the crime scene that she was dragged in. She laughed humorously. "He was also Hannibal Lecter?"

Her father sighed and Darren looked over her finished math homework, She was fortunate that while he was busy watching over a deceased cannibal teenager, she had time to finish her homework for the next day. She might not be expressing it, but she felt bad for the young boy. Even if the boy was a cannibal, she knew he didn't deserve to be found by the ax murderer and be killed. However, he had tried to attack a nurse, so Darren didn't know if she should be feeling bad for him.

Darren glanced up from her paper and was about to say something else witty when a boy ran quite literally into the middle of the road.

"Oh my god!"

Her father instantly stomped on his breaks and the two watched the teenage boy . Darren observed him for a good moment and noticed him cradeling his forearm. She couldn't see much of his face as it was dark and the headlights on the car were too bright to see much of the boy. She could see him look at both humans in the police car, before running back off into the woods.

"Dad!" Her father started moving the car again, his face contorted into confusion as he drove away from where the teenager ran off. Darren didn't know what else to tell her father, because, for some reason what she could make out of the young boy seemed to resemble someone else she had seen. "Why did we move to crazy town, where the crazy people are?"


"Who's that?" Scott McCall asked his best friend, Stiles Stilinski, as he nodded over to where a brunette girl walked into the cafeteria. He was trying to keep his mind of how he, a werewolf, bit a freshman boy, who wanted nothing to do with him or his friends. Fortunately, Kira Yukimura, one of Scott's pack members and a good friend, had managed to trick Liam Dunbar into coming to a party — an intervention.

Stiles Stilinski turned around, food sticking out of his mouth and followed his best friends gaze. He watched the brunette for a short moment. "Darren Johnson," he swallowed his food, "she's in a few classes with me. Why?"

Scott's friend watched him follow the brunettes movement. He knew something was either wrong or Scott just caught sight of a pretty girl —which Stiles wouldn't deny that she was indeed pretty.

"I don't know..." Scott seemed uncertain about this girl. He might not know her, and he may have just learned of her name, but something in him was making him question things about her. "You know those feelings Derek has talked about," he took his eyes off the female, but could still hear her steady heartbeat, "when he knows something is wrong?"

Stiles nodded and took off for him, "so you think something is wrong with her?"

"No," Scott instantly stated, "it's just I don't think she's just human, you know. Or she is around someone that isn't." Scott heard her heartbeat quicken by three beats and the werewolf glanced over where she was — with Liam.

The Freshman was speaking with her and Stiles noticed this too and pushed his food away.

"I saw you last night." Liam whispered, not realizing Scott was in the room. "You were in the police car?"

Darren gulped, her heartbeat growing more irregular by the second. "Um, yeah." She grabbed her lunch and took a step away from Liam, "that was you?"

Liam scowled. "Yeah." The Freshman felt eyes on him and his eyes left Darren and over to Scott.

Darren, unsure of what Liam was starring at, turned around and saw the same Scott and Stiles who had hurt Liam last night during Lacrosse. Now that she was thinking about it, it was strange that Liam was up and walking when she was certain that he had broken his leg. In fact, it was strange that he was running through the woods last night when he should have been in the hospital. Her heart was hammering against her chest at this point as she moved her eyes from Scott and Stiles to Liam and back.

The two boys stood up and walked out of the room. Scott glancing once more at both Liam and Darren. His eyes lingered on the confused Darren for a moment longer, before turning around.

"Be careful Liam," Scott muttered quietly. He left the cafe completely, knowing the blond heard him and took his warning seriously.


Darren walked down the hallway, her backpack hugging her back, and her hand holding her phone. It was the end of the day and the girl was rushing to leave the school. She had noticed some strange things going down between her schoolmates. First was the incident in the cafeteria, then for the rest of the day, she noticed Stiles whispering to his female friends and Scott, and right as she was about to leave the building, she noticed how Liam was very aggressively avoiding the two teen boys.

She wondered how people who grew up with these people hadn't noticed anything wrong when she noticed it within over sixteen hours.

Actually, she had a conversation in the library with a freshman boy named Mason, who had noticed some odd behaviors in his friend Liam. She hadn't originally been in the conversation but a boy named Garrett had dragged the girl over to their table since he had overheard their conversation in the lunch room.

Darren enjoyed Mason's company, but she wasn't sure if she felt the same about Garrett. While he seemed nice, she saw something behind his eyes that gave Darren the chills. Maybe it was the way he would constantly glance at the older girl with an overly friendly smile.

Something big came up at work, you'll have to find another way home. I'll see you at home, love you.

Darren glared at the little screen. She loved her father, but leaving her stranded like that, to find a way home when she has no friends, was unnecessary. Surely there were other people to take over his work for a few hours so he could pick up his deserted daughter.

"Ride ditch you?" A familiar voice asked with slight amusement to his tone. Darren spun her body around and faced the voice. Her eyes landed on a smiling Mason.

Darren shoved her phone in her jacket pocket and awkwardly smiled at the boy. "Um, she glanced around, "father, but yeah."

Nothing was more embarrassing than a Junior who got drove around by their parent, Darren thought to herself. Of course, it didn't matter to Mason, since he didn't think social status was as important as others may think it is.

"Well," he nodded to the red sports car to the side, "my mom's driving me home today. I'm sure she won't mind dropping you off." He toothed a grin at her and Darren couldn't help but agree.


One thing that Darren learned about Mason was that his mother was a very nice woman. She didn't make a fuss about how Darren's house was a little way out of her way, and when she dropped the girl off, she stayed behind until she made sure the girl was safely in her home. Before she left though, she made Mason exchange his number with her in case she ever needed another ride home, which made both teenagers laugh and do as told.

It's been hours since she had gotten home and her father was still gone and at the station. She didn't know what was going on since he refused to tell her through text, but she knew it had to be something big if he was still gone and remaining silent about the ordeal. She knew it had to be something dangerous.

She knew she could be joining this party everyone was gossiping about, but after all the weird things she had seen today, she didn't think she really wanted to go. Anyhow, she wouldn't really know anyone aside from a few Juniors and Freshman, and most of them were acting strange and making Darren question their intentions with one another. Maybe if she went she could actually make some friends.

She'd have to be careful making friends though...this town was full of psychopaths.

Somewhat Edited
Just a fun fact, as Darren thought about all the last sentence,
Peter Hale just slashed open the Mute.
Thanks for reading!
Destiny xx

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