11 ▹ Over and Done

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Simon pushed Darren and Stiles in the boys locker room. Stiles kept his hands to his sides, while Darren squeezed hers in comfort. The girl was on edge as Stiles kept up a strong act; meanwhile, Simon was behind them, holding a silenced gun at their backs. Darren couldn't stop herself from thinking about how any minute now she could be dead and Simon would have twenty million flying his way.

"Still a bit feverish, Mr. Stilinski. But you should know something, the virus doesn't kill humans, you'll get better." The man turned from Stiles' back to Darren's back, "on the other hand, Miss. Johnson, will not. So either way, don't you think you should tell me where your friends are? Shouldn't one of you get to live."

Even though Darren knew Stiles wouldn't rat out on his friends, she couldn't help but send the boy an urgent look. Which he responded with a sigh at the ground.

"I think I saw them in the library. Or it might have been the cafeteria. It was definitely one of those two."

Darren felt the cold metal touch the back of her head, "I'm going to count to three, and then I'm going to kill your friend," Darren whimpered and squeezed her hands blue, "and then you."

Stiles turned around, his facial expression showing anger. The boy quickly put an arm around Darren and positioned her behind him. Simon smirked, moving the gun to Stiles' head. "You think you can scare me?"

Darren sighed from behind Stiles. She could feel his hand tighten around her wrist and she put a hand on his shoulder, peering over it.

"No, I think I can kill you. I just thought the countdown would make it more exciting."

"So," Simon spoke calmly, moving the gun to settle against his forehead. "One."

Darren felt Stiles hand shake and Stiles could feel the same come from Darren. He silently hoped Darren would run when he gets shot and find help, but with her being the daughter of a police officer, he knew she was just as stubborn as he was.


Stiles tightly closed his tear filled eyes and grabbed Darren's other hand that slipped off his shoulder. His last moments were with a girl who he knew would help his lost best friend. A best friend that he never got to say goodbye to.

Just as Simon was about to say three, a loud gun shot echoed through the room and something warm and sticky splattered all over the two teens faces. At first Darren thought it was Stiles and she let out a cry, that was until she opened her eyes and noticed Simon falling to the ground, blood oozing out of a hole in his forehead.

Stiles started spitting out the blood in his mouth and let go Darren's hands. The brunette girl stared wide eyed as a man in a yellow suit walked up to the two teens. She noticed the man was Mr. McCall, who was often found talking with her father. He held a gun in his gloved hands and Darren sighed thankfully that someone came and saved Stiles and herself. Though she wondered where the hell he came from.

Stiles had the same thought as he took deep breaths, "where the hell did you come from?"

"Stiles," McCall ignored his sons best friend, "listen. I got a call from Melissa, I don't know what it means. She said theirs an antidote and it's the vault. Reishi Mushrooms."

Darren, being confused spoke aloud, "wait, what's in the vault?"

"It's in a jar on one of those shelves. She said to tell Scott, it's in the vault."

That was all Stiles needed to hear, before he ran off with Darren right behind.


As soon as Darren neared the concrete wall, she could feel the sickness seeping from the cracks. She could feel the veins in her neck turning color, yet she felt fine for the moment.

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