12 ▹ New Plan

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If Darren hadn't been nosy and read through Mythology From Around the World then no one would know anything. No one would be running into death. No one would be a nervous wreck. Heck, Darren could have stayed silent about Kitsune's and nothing would have happened.

But alas, Darren is a blabber mouth, especially when she knows something no one else seems to know. If Darren wouldn't have come to Scott's last night when he requested her and everyone then Darren never would have told Kira and Scott about hat she read. Because for once Scott was actually setting up a good plan and it was thanks to Darren.

"Is three enough?" Kira asked as her, Darren, and Liam each set out a laptop (that they may or may not have stolen from the school library) on the table in the McCall household.

"Depends on how many camera's they have. But I think so." Stiles stated, glancing at each closed lid.

Liam's voice shook as he asked the older teenagers, "are we really doing this?"

Scott, who stood between Stiles and Darren nodded, "we're doing it. Tonight."

"But isn't it kind of dangerous?"

"Yeah," Darren spoke up after being quiet since she arrived at the house, "it's incredibly dangerous."

"And borderline idiotic." Stiles added on.

"Have you guys done something like this before?"

"Something dangerous? Or something idiotic?" Stiles asked back at the baby beta, as Darren scoffed and answered with an obvious, "no."

Kira awkwardly answered the Dunbar child, "I think it's a yes to both."

Liam and Darren shared a look. They were the newbies of the group and so far both have been nearly murdered and seen things no one would believe. Scott noticed the look his two new pack members gave one another and gave them both a sharp look.

"You don't have to be apart of it if you don't want to, neither of you do."

Liam was quick to answer as Darren struggled to find her own answer. She shook her head to Scott and gave him a soft look, "I'm not going to let you go through this without me knowing if you're going to be alright at the end. So I'm in."

"You both have joined the borderline idiotic club then." Stiles patted Liam's back and gave Darren a sarcastic smile, before turning to his best friend, "if we do this, we don't know what's coming for us. You know that, right?"

"How do we know something is most definitely coming?" Kira asked, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Darren was informed that Beacon Hills had a crazed women named Kate Argent, who was something called a werejaguar and she had these bone-creatures called berserkers. Although Darren figured she wouldn't see them tonight, since no one had seen the creatures for weeks on end.

Scott turned to the Yukimura girl, "because the tape in Garrett's bag said visual confirmation required."

Darren nodded, remembering a certain killer from yesterday who said the same thing, "Simon said the same thing."

Stiles nodded, remembering the same incident, "he couldn't get paid by The Benefactor until he had proof that you guys were dead." A shiver ran down Darren's spine as she recalled how Simon had looked at Darren with his money hungry eyes and how cold the gun felt against her head.

"So the idea is, what if you kill someone on the dead pool, but you can't send the proof?" Scott stated, putting a comforting hand on Darren's back to calm her down from the incident yesterday.

"You don't get paid." Kira stated like it was obvious.

Liam, who was confused about the whole ordeal, asked, "but how does that get us any closer to The Benefactor?"

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