15 ▹ Anyone Can Be

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Darren woke up for the third time that night. Every time she closed her eyes she would see assassins--she saw Garrett and Violet, she saw Simon holding that gun to her and Stiles' head, she even saw a silhouette of a human that was supposedly the Benefactor. Every time she would see one of her new friends get killed right in front of her. So at three in the morning, Darren was getting tired of everything at the moment.

She groaned and threw her head on the pillow and covered her eyes with her bare arm. Everything around her was calm, she could hear the sounds of cars driving by the house and she could even hear the wind rustling the trees. However, when her printer started going off and making a loud beeping noise to signal that it was printing, she quickly jumped into a sitting position on her bed.

All of a sudden papers started flying out of the printer, which confused Darren because she had the printer shut off. Slowly, the female started making her way towards the printer, that was still shooting out prints. She stepped on a pile of printed paper and cautiously grabbed one of the sheets. And what she held scared her.

She was holding the new first deadpool with multiple names crossed off. Her brown eyes trailed down the printed words, finding dozens of names crossed off. The only names that remained were Lydia, Scott, Kira, and Darren on the first sheet; and as she picked up the second revised deadpool, she realized it was almost the same as the first--except Liam Dunbar was worth eighteen million instead of three. Darren Johnson knew they were all running out of time, the assassins were killing the list as if it were nothing. And Darren feared she might be next.

Her breathing heaved as the printer kept vomiting paper after paper. She got up and quickly pushed the off button, yet the lights remained lit up and the papers kept coming. She tapped the button a few times before ripping the power cord from the wall, finally subsiding the flying papers.


Shaun drove his daughter to school that morning. He could tell something was on her mind, as she was silent the entire ride and only stared out the window. She never looked once at her father, nor dare breath loud enough for him to hear. Both Johnsons could feel the tension, yet neither one dared to break it. Even when Shaun dropped Darren off at school, she didn't gave him a simple bye like she normally would.

As Shaun left his daughter at Beacon Hills High School, he drove himself to work. Last night he had received a call from the Sheriff informing him that he was at the hospital and that Deputy Haigh was currently behind bars for the attempted murder of Shaun's partner, Jordan Parrish. Shaun never said it, but he was not surprised by Haigh's move, he had seen how the Deputy had been looking at Parrish and even Shaun himself (even if he was not on any assassination list).

So Shaun Johnson drove back to his house and scolded himself as he sneaked into his daughters room. He was surprised when he found papers upon papers laying all over her carpeted floor. He furrowed his brows as he picked up one of the papers and examined it. His eyes trailed over the names and numbers and when he noticed the deadpool with his own last name on the sheet, he sighed and fell down on Darren's bed. 

He crumbled the paper in his large hand and let his head fall into his other hand. On the sheet held the name Darren Johnson and she was worth twenty-million. He cursed to himself as the realization stuck in his head.

She knows.


Darren walked into the school with her head held down. She wasn't sure whether Scott or Stiles were going to be at school for their own reasons, but she was okay at the moment with fact. Even if all she wanted to do was talk with Scott. However, she needed some time alone to think. After all, just the other day, she learned she was a Pacun--whatever the hell that means.

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