Chapter 48- 2:30

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Nick opened the back door of the chauffeured Yukon truck and jumped out before the tires even came to a complete stop. He ran through the double doors of the birthing center so fast that he stumbled into the reception desk. Completely panicked, he demanded to know what room Asia was in.
"I need the room for Asia Ball! She my wife, I need to know where she at!" Nick pleaded frantically with the receptionist.
"Yes Sir, please calm down. Asia Ball just checked in about 45 minutes ago. She's in room number 28." The receptionist explained.
"Aight, 'preciate it!" Nick said before turning around and running down the long corridor at lightening speed to be by Asia's side.

He nervously knocked on the door to room number 28 before slowly opening it. The room was dark except for a dimly lit floor lamp that stood in the far corner of the room and two candles that gave off a soft orange glow at the ledge of the birthing pool. Nick took a few nervous steps further into the room and saw Asia with her eyes closed squatting on her knees with her chest pressed against the wall of the tub and her arms slumped loosely over the side. Jasmine sat with her legs crossed at the front of the tub facing Asia. The tender hearted doula hummed at a low tenor as she swayed from side to side with her long locs moving in rhythm while she fanned the vapor from a nearby diffuser filled with frankinscese. Asia groaned loudly, tormented by labor pains as Deja stood behind her, knee deep in the warm bath water rubbing Asia's back in an effort to ease her friend's discomfort.
"Mr. Ball, come in. Her contractions are about three minutes apart. She's already 8 centimeters dilated and the first fetus is crowning. She's progressing very fast, she'll be pushing soon." Jasmine spoke calmly.
"Nick..." Asia whimpered as she stretched her arms out to meet his hands.
"It's gone be aight baby, I'm here." Nick said while stroking Asia's hair.
"Mr. Ball, I know when we made the birth plan, you said that you wanted to bless the room. Would you like to pray now?" Jasmine asked.
"Yeah, I'ma go 'head and call down some angels right quick." Nick said as he bowed his head. "Lord, I come to you for strength right now in Asia's time of need. I pray that you light a pathway of protection foe these babies to travel through safe and sound."  He talked to God out loud in a deep sobering tone. Nick pulled a small pocket bible from his yellow Goyard backpack and recited Philippians 4:6-7 as Jasmine grabbed a pomegranate fruit from a dish that sat on the floor beside the tub. She sliced the fruit into quarters and carefully fed it to Asia by hand.
"What's the pomegranate for?" Deja asked wearily.
"The juice will increase blood flow to her uterus and prevent injury to the placenta as she's contracting." Jasmine explained.
"Ahh ooouh!" Asia yelled out suddenly. She grabbed Nick around his neck and held on tight as her body was hit with another wave of agonizing contractions. Deja moved from her post inside of the tub with Asia to make room for Jasmine to do a cervical check.
"Oooh...she's 10 centimeters!" Jasmine said to Nick.
"What dat mean?" He asked nervously, trying his best to hold his composure.
"It means that her cervix is fully engaged and on the next round of contractions, she can start pushing. I need you to step into the tub and use your thumbs to massage downward on her hips as she squats to push. Can you do that?" Jasmine asked in a tone of concern as she observed the look of alarm on Nick's face in the glow of the candlelight.
"Yeah, I got her!" He answered quickly as he took off his leather jacket, hoodie, and undershirt. Nick climbed out of his leather pants, leaving only his boxers on and stepped into the tub with his wife.
"I'm going to try and get in touch with Qua, I'll be in the waiting room." Deja whispered to Nick.
"Aight. Aye, tell him to bring me a change of clothes. Another hoodie, sweatpants and some drawls." Nick requested.
"Ok, I will." Deja said before tip toeing out from the birthing suite.

" Deja said before tip toeing out from the birthing suite

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