Hang Out

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Finally school have ended, usually Fubuki would be having practice with his soccer team at the moment while Muichiro would just watched since they always go back home together, but specially today Fubuki decided to just ditch it

"Are you sure its okay?" Muichiro questioned as he's locking his locker. Fubuki are standing beside him seem to be typing something onto his smartphone which have a blue with snow flake ornament all over it

"No worries, i'm pretty much their best player beside captain, so they can't just kick me out" He putted his phone onto his black jacket and reached for the Muichiro's wrist "today let's just have fun 'kay?" He said as he pull Muichiro out of the school building and they waited at the school gate for the others.

Their class maybe are the farthest from the rooftop, but its the closest to the school gate. Sometime Muichiro wondered who decided to just invent the idea of a three story school building (four if we're gonna count the rooftop) and decided to put tenth grade on the first floor, eleventh on second floor and twelfth on third floor

But he would usually just quickly shook the thought out of his head "are you still worried about... Y'know?" Fubuki scrached the back of his neck, his greyish green orbs looked everywhere but to the black and teal haired boy infront of him

"Kinda" Was all Muichiro managed to murmured as an awkward silence fall onto them for a few second until he had enough and decided to ask a question that have been haunting him for maybe nine years now "Shirou.. You.. How" He stopped his tongue and clear his throat trying to find the right words "how do you feel when... Atsuya.. Passed?"

Another silence for a couple more seconds "not.. Complete i guess?.. Lost?.." He answered even though it sounded like a question, Muichiro can still remember crystal clear how nine years ago Fubuki come knocking at their house door, completely drenched with his eye completely swollen, his breath was racing each other as he fall onto Muichiro's body and broke down completely. Those sad scream and sobbing can still make his soul ached.

Then Fubuki let out an awkward laugh "sorry, its been so long.. I should be over it now" Muichiro was about to say something but Mitsuri's screech stopped him before anything can escape his mouth

Now with Shinobu, Giyu, Sanemi, Obanai and Mitsuri with them, its impossible to continue the conversation

The other just listen as Muichiro and Mitsuri chatted happily, Shinobu would join from time to time as they waited for Rengoku, Tengen and Gyomei

After a few moment the twelfth grader finally join them and so they make their way to Shinobu's house. Mitsuri reached for Muichiro's hand as she started skipping while singing happily, Muichiro have no choice but walk as fast as he could to match the older girl's energy.

Shinobu along with Sanemi and Giyu right behind them after them is Fubuki and Obanai, Fubuki give Obanai a side glance, Obanai just ignored him. He sometime find Fubuki's annoyed face funny but of course he's not gonna admit or tell anyone about it. Behind them stand the three biggest man in their group Tengen, Rengoku and Gyomei

After 10 minutes of walking they have reached the kocho resident, but they didn't stop there. Mitsuri stopped her skipping a few minutes ago since she somehow finally gotten tired and let Shinobu take the lead, poor Muichiro who's not really into physical activity seem out of breath

They continue a few more minutes and reached the restaurant Shinobu mentioned earlier, in Muichiro's eye, rather than a restaurant it looked more like an cafe since it looked rather simple

He can hear Tengen chuckling behind him, he looked back and found the white haired man taking a few photos of something above Shinobu's head and so he followed the direction and found a big banner where the word "restaurant" Is written on it, he looked closely and at the left bottom he found a really small text "cafe"

That's when it hitted him, it is indeed a cafe.. A cafe named restaurant. He shifted his gaze to Shinobu's who's looking at the dumbfounded face of her friends when they realized the pun.

For a few moment the only thing that can be heard was Tengen's cackling while hitting Rengoku who as always have his smiling face on, not caring about Tengen's hits.

In the end Fubuki also take a quick pic "what are you doing?" Questioned Giyu who kinda suprised Mitsuri and Sanemi since Giyu talking is not really something you can hear everyday

"I'm telling my mom in heaven" He answered while typing furiously, this answer make Tengen's cackling turned into a loud laughter as he hitted Rengoku even harder, based on the sound it caused, Tengen didn't hold back. Muichiro doesn't have to look behind him to tell how Mitsuri is also laughing, he can guess how the dumbfounded face Sanemi have at the moment also Shinobu probably trying her best not to giggle. And he can clearly see the unchanging face of Obanai, Rengoku and Gyomei

He took a peek into Fubuki's phone and found he isn't joking. He is indeed texting his mother's old phone number from when she's alive. He wrote a whole long essay about how stupid the name is and how the one who named it are even stupider. Muichiro can't help but chuckle at this as Fubuki turned from his phone to his face with a proud grin.

Muichiro was about to question it but Fubuki slipped his phone back to his pocket "done! Let's eat" He announced making his way into the... Whatever its supposed to be called as the other quickly followed his pace, not long they found a table and ordered.

They eat while joking with other, Tengen not letting what Fubuki did died down even for a second, Obanai groaning and massaging his temple saying it wasn't that funny along with Sanemi cursing out words Muichiro never even know existed

Mitsuri keep on rambling about her day over and over again as she finish her third plate of sakura mocchi, sometime Shinobu will comment how she would choke if she keep on talking with her mouth full

Rengoku eating whatever is in his plate and keep on complimenting how tasty the food is as he took every single bite off it, Gyomei eating slowly and keep on praying everytime something are about to enter his mouth. Giyu... Just being the quiet Giyu

Fubuki enjoying his ice cream after he finish his food sometime making unfunny joke with Tengen just to annoy Obanai and Sanemi, sometime Muichiro find Fubuki checking on him from time to time.

And for himself, he will join Shinobu and give water to Mitsuri everytime she actually choked he will also laugh at Fubuki and Tengen's jokes then and there without even realizing it making Obanai and Sanemi throw glares that are even sharper than dagger at him

Simply to say, their dinner ended wonderfully. Now Muichiro, Fubuki and Obanai are on their way home, its just the three of them since the others life on the other ways. Coincidentally, Muichiro life at a house right beside Fubuki's apartement and Obanai's house are just a few blocks away, with walking 3 minutes at most.

They reached Obanai's house first, they waved him goodbye, Muichiro wished him a good night while Fubuki on the other hand "see ya obama" Obanai give him a death glare while Muichiro can only chuckle

They continued and reached Fubuki's apartement building, but Fubuki insisted he need to see Muichiro enter his house before he entered his.

Muichiro opened his house door "Yuichiro i'm home" He announced as he open his shoes and close the door behind him

Weirdly, there's no answer from the other twin, Muichiro just shrugged it off as he go to the kitchen, he take a glass cup and fill it with tap water, after he put the cup on the sink and make his way to the staircase toward the second floor where his and Yuichiro's bedroom is located

He knocked first, the twins have come to an agreement where the two would knock on their bedroom if they don't know what the other are doing inside, it would be awkward if they entered while the other party are still changing. (Yes that have happened a couple of time)

No answer "Yui?" Finally Muichiro decided to turn the handle on his wooden bedroom door 'maybe he's asleep?' his body completely frozen at what he saw inside as he screamed at the top of his lung without realizing it

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