Their Questions

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They went pass the crowded bakery that smell like fresh bake bread, Kamado's resident is the house right next to the bakery, probably thanks to the crowd the married couple who own the successful bakery didn't see them pass by, before Rengoku even raise his hand to knock, the door flew open "You tell us everything right now!!" Inosuke who opened the door pointed at him while Genya was quick to push his hand down "and you two quit crying!!!" Rengoku follow Inosuke's gaze and meet Nezuko crying while hugging her brother with Zenitsu crying out loud right next to them. He realized his brother are nowhere to be found

He didn't let his smile drop even by an inch "may i come in young Tanjiro?!" Tanjiro shifted his eye from Nezuko to him and nodded "ah yes.. Please" With that Rengoku take off his shoes and went pass Inosuke and Genya to follow Tanjiro's lead. Sanemi tailing him pated Genya's head without looking or even stopping. In the end the two also followed them as they finally settled in the living room, that's when he finally found his brother handing Kanao a tissue, he seem to tense when he sees him.

Now Rengoku and Sanemi are sitting face to face with the first years who all have puffy red eyes expect for Inosuke, the tension in the room are so thick that it feel kinda hard to even breathe. All the second year and third year can do at the moment is wait for the younger group to start, since they wouldn't want to drop anything when they're not ready. Especially when they bring no good news.

After a few minutes or so, finally Inosuke speak "Is it true?! That bastard is dead?" Seem Inosuke was trying to act tough, but his voice cracked rotting himself out. It doesn't take a genius to tell, even though he scolded his friends for crying, he himself are also on the verge of tears.

"If you mean Yuichiro, then i am sorry, the answer is yes" With this Nezuko let out a loud cry as she burn her face into Tanjiro's chest, her brother wrapped his arm around her body as he also started to cry all over again. Even though he have spended the whole day preparing himself for this news once again, it still broke his hearts into thousands of pieces

"Liar!! Yuichiro would never!!" Zenitsu jumped up, tears streaming down his face as he cover his ears and shook his head hard, Genya tried his best to calm him down despite the fact his face have get drenched by tears that stream down his face just like a river. Kanao cover her face as her shoulder start trembling. All the color left in Senjuro's body left as he stay completely frozen, his eyes are wide open as he probably trying to process the information.

Inosuke's hand are clenched as his body start shaking "that goddamned bastard!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs till he ran out of breath. Even with his breath racing each other he still got the strength to keep on standing even with trembling feet.

"How... How did he.. Do it?" Tanjiro voiced put the question that are inside of all his friends mind. Nezuko hugged Tanjiro even tighter but she also take a peek toward Rengoku showing how scared she is of the answer but also wanted to know about it.

Rengoku shook his head before answering "we also don't know" Rengoku would be honest, that part completely slipped out of his brain when he see the state Muichiro was in "all we know was that Muichiro was the one who found him" All of them excluding Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke let out a gasp.

"I want to meet him right now!!" Inosuke shouted, he stomped the floor angrily like a child throwing a tantrum, usually Zenitsu would make fun of his childish behavior, but again. This is not any usual thursday.

Rengoku was about to open his mouth when Sanemi's voice entered his ears "are you sure about that brat?" This reply stopped Inosuke from moving for a few moments

"He's Yuichiro's damned twin!! He must know something!!" Finally angry tears escaped Inosuke's eye socket, when he feel something wet on his cheek he quickly wipe it off "goddamned weak!! Eyes!!!" He screamed to himself as he wipe his tears again again as the tears are quickly replaced by a new one

"Bingo, he's Yuichiro's twin. The exact copy of your dead friend. Are you sure you want to meet him at this state" Now this silenced Inosuke quickly as his leg finally gave up on him making his body crash the floor and he finally broke down, his friends placed themself around him as each of them cry their heart out clinging to each other seeking for any type of comfort from one another

Rengoku and Sanemi couldn't do anything but just sat there and let them pour everything out.

After nearly an hour finally they have all calmed down, Inosuke stayed completely quiet which are really unusual, but who can blame him? The situation they are in now are anything but usual. No one really said anything till Kanao stand up and make her way to the door "i.. Need to see Shinobu" Was all she managed to murmured out before sprinted out of the house. Her voice are usually soft, but this time it's barely a whisper

This caused a chain reaction and finally Sanemi and Genya are on their way to their house or rather said their mother house, to get some rest. This is indeed one of a hell day.

"Muichiro.. How is he?" Genya asked, his eye are locked on the sidewalk not brave enough to see his brother in the eyes. They haven't talked that much for such a long long time, he isn't sure why, it just happened. No that's a lie, they both know exactly why.

"What do you mean?" Sanemi questioned back, he have both of his hand burried deep into his pant pocket as he look up at the empty sky, even the stars are hiding themself behind the cloud this night.

Genya started to play with his finger "well.. I mean.. He.. He y'know, he find.. His brother in such.. State" He hated the fact that he was stuttering despite the fact he tried his best not to "i mean i.. I couldn't.. Imagine.. I couldn't imagine myself in his place.. or- you..." He bumped into Sanemi who suddenly stopped and turn to him

The older reached for Genya's shoulder and shake him front and back "listen you will never be in his place. I would never do anything like that" For the first time, Genya see his brother's eye filled with so many emotion.

"And don't you dare fucking think something like that ever again. Understood?" Genya understand what upset his brother so much. They maybe don't talk much but they care about each other deeply.

For the first time today, Genya make eye contact with Sanemi as he grab the hand on his shoulders "understood" He feel a smile formed on his face, he missed it even though it have only been missing for a few hours.

Sanemi's eye widen as he quickly pull back his hand turned away, he doesn't say anything, he just start to walk away faster. Genya watched his brother's back for a mere second with a smile on his face before he quickly ran to catch up. He is still upset, he's still sad after losing his dear friend, he's still confused, but for the moment he would ignore it all and just embrace the tiny little positive feeling he have.

"I also wouldn't do that to you Nemi" He muttered under his breath as he finally catched up to the white haired man, he couldn't help but smile, this is the best feeling this whole hell of a day.

"If you even though about it i would chase you down to hell you brat" Sanemi's mouth are foul, the words that come out of it always sound harsh and cruel, but behind those, really he's just a boy who cares about his family the most. Genya's only older brother. The one and only Sanemi. His Nemi.

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