Weird Behavior

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Tokito Muichiro and Tokito Yuichiro are identical twins. If you just take a single look at the two then it's almost impossible to tell them apart. But if you look more closely, you can tell their similarity started with their appearence and just ended there.

The blue sky are covered by the grey cloud blocking the warm sun. The tokito twins are making their way toward the sun. Anyone who knows them can tell who is who just by a tiny glance at the moment.

Muichiro are skipping happily with a tiny smile on his face meanwhile Yuichiro are walking behind him with a blank face. When they finally entered the school building Muichiro turned around to his twin pulling the older boy into a quick hug, after seconds he let go and run toward his class while waving at Yuichiro who just stand there with a soft smile weakly waving back

'I hope his friend planned a hang out or sleepover today..'

The bell rang indicating that its time for classes to start. Like any other students, Muichiro was bored the whole class, of course he did his work, take notes and participate in class when his name was called. But that doesn't mean he's enjoying the moment.

He cannot wait till lunch time started to meet his friends 'lucky Yui.. He have the same history class with Shirou right now..' the only friend he has who's in the same grade as him is Fubuki Shirou, his and Yuichiro's friend since childhood. And god wasn't kind enough to let them have the same classes.

For some reason people just found it strange how the two have different friend group, it isn't that weird for them since again they are different people, only because they're twins doesn't mean they have to be together 24/7

It have been like this since middle school, the two would just naturally find their own friend group, for some reason Fubuki always ended up on Muichiro's friend group since kindergarden, not that he would complaint, he liked Fubuki's company.

After hours that felt like eternity finally its lunch time, Muichiro not gonna lie and say how he isn't amazed by how Fubuki are always waiting in front of his class door by the time he finish tidying his table. They both make their way to their locker and take their lunch then went to the rooftop where they find a man using a mask along with a girl with pink and green braided hair

The girl waved to them happily while they were making their way to them, Fubuki of course was walking faster than him so he sit first, he sat himself beside the boy "yo Obama" He greeted the boy with a grin on his face

The boy just sighed "its Obanai and call me Iguro, i'm older than you" Fubuki didn't respond and just start whistling some random song, Muichiro has already sat himself comfortably by this point

"Hey Mitsuri, how was your day?" His question make Mitsuri goes on a long and detailed story about how her day has gone while Muichiro will sometime gave a simple respond while keeping a warm smile present on his face

Not long some people have joined them, a boy whose hair somehow resemble fire named Rengoku Kyojuro. Behind him are a boy with white messy hair and face paint at his left eye, Tengen Uzui.

A few second after they sit down, come a boy with dark black hair and dark eye bags, Tomioka Giyu, walking right beside him are a petite girl whose hair are tied into a ponytail using a butterfly clip, Kocho Shinobu. Behind them was a boy with scars and white hair, his eye are tiny like a single dot, Shinazugawa Sanemi. The one who's walking behind him is a big man whose eye are pure white, Himejima Gyomei

"Tell me, do any of you have plans tonight?" Asked the petite girl as soon as she sat beside Muichiro with Giyu right next to her

No one responded for a few seconds until Fubuki finally spoken up "nothing on my calender"

"Of course" Sanemi replied while rolling his eye, sarcasm can be heard clearly from his words as Fubuki throw him a side glance "anyway, no"

The others also responded with the same answer, just in their own way like Rengoku who announced with a loud voice "none for me!!"

Shinobu happily clapped her hand "good! There's a new restaurant near my house, i wanna try it out" No one seem to be against idea so they just agreed to go there right after school since Shinobu's house isn't far away from school, probably 10 to 15 minutes by walking

They were all chatting the life away when Muichiro felt someone tapping his shoulder, as he turned the biggest smile appeared on his face "Yui! I was about to chat you" He said while holding his phone to show his twin brother

Since his brother didn't reply he just continue "i can't have dinner together today, there's a new restaurant by Shinobu's house so we planned on going there" Hearing this Yuichiro looked at the gray haired boy

"No worries, i will walk him home as usual, we also have obama" Obanai quietly elbowed Fubuki, the other party just snickered

"I see, do you need money?" Yuichiro offered but was declined not by his twin but by Tengen who sat across the round table

He put on some weird pose with his hand crossing in front of his face "I can take care of this lil' one, or maybe lil' two"

Yuichiro just nodded at the response with his usual poker face, suddenly suprising everyone at the table he pulled Muichiro up and hugged him tighly.

Muichiro needed some second to process what happened and hug his brother back, he can hear Yui silently whispered something to his ear "i love you"

Of course he is happy to hear that and whispered back "i love you too Yui" After he let go and walked away fast that it can nearly be considered running. Muichiro just watch his brother's back, for some reason he feel like something is wrong. Like this is gonna be their last moment.. He shook his head hard 'i will meet him after the hang out'

As he sat down he realized how Fubuki are glaring dagger at where Yuichiro was some second earlier, he didn't voice anything out, he doesn't know what to say and so he decided to just shut his mouth

After they continued chatting for a little before Muichiro's alarm goes off, he have set it to go off 5 minute before lunch ended since Fubuki and Muichiro are the only tenth grader so they need to quickly get back to their class remembering their class are the farthest. Unusually, their way back are weirdly silent.

That lasted for a few moment before Fubuki seem to finally got back his voice "does Yui seem weird?"

Muichiro are caught of guard by the question that just come out of the blue, before he could reply Fubuki continued "he seem like he... Wanted to put a distance as fast as possible after hugging you" He paused midway seem to be finding the right word

Muichiro couldn't help but just let out all the things that happened in the house lately, like how he feel like Yuichiro is slowly avoiding him making a distance between them, how he's scared since Yuichiro is the only person he have left.

He still have a lot to say but they have reached their class and the bell rang Fubuki hesitated to go leave Muichiro, but Muichiro gave him a reassuring smile and nodded

Fubuki sighed as he took a few step but then turned back "don't worry, i'm sure Yui will talk about it at some point.. You two are twins, twins are supposed to tell each other everything right?" He know Fubuki are half joking, Fubuki himself found those sterotype kinda annoying since he have a twin brother himself... Used to. They are already used to it and started to joke about it, like some sort of inside joke just between the.. Used to be the four of them

Muichiro couldn't help but chuckled at this as he wave to Fubuki who continued on his way, after the gray haired boy took a turn to his class and disappear from his sight he entered his class

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