Sudden Appearance

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Two days after Muichiro have locked himself inside of his house, finally monday have arrived, Fubuki dragged himself into his science classroom and are quickly meet with stares from everyone who's already in the class. He ignored them and just sit on his chair, he decided to just sat on the back for now.

As he make his way he just then see a table with a white vase which have a single white chrysanthemum, he instantly understand the situation and sat at the table right beside it.

He caught a glimpse of his soccer teammates seem to be hesitant to talk or even just greet him, since he doesn't want to get the same title as Giyu, he decided to just put his notes at the table and stand up "hey guys! Missed me??"

Hours have passed, its finally time for lunch, Fubuki reached for his phone inside his grey hoodie pocket and read the groupchat

Guys how about we just have lunch in the cafetaria


Never try to rap via text ever again

Oh c'mon! Its ✨flashy✨

Its fucking not.

I would like to try it! Senjuro said there's a new lady and the food have been better!🔥

Yeah! I heard that from my other friend! They say there's sakura mochi now!!(◍•ᴗ•◍)



No one gonna comment about... That stupid looking thing?

Its cute! (•ˋ _ ˊ•)

No its fucking isn't

And after that are a whole argument consisting Mitsuri who's being supported by Obanai againts Tengen and Sanemi, to put it simply their current group chat isn't really family friendly at the moment special thanks to Sanemi.

Long story short they ended up agreeing to have lunch at the cafetaria for once, which thankfully are located at the first floor. And so he take his sweet time and walked slowly while unconsciously zoning out.

This decision are quick to be regretted as Fubuki somehow ended infront of Muichiro's history class, where he always go every monday. He let out an annoyed groan and decided to take a quick peek inside the classroom just to maybe see a not real glimpse of Muichiro inside

He wasn't expecting to actually see Muichiro sitting at one of the chair with an opened book infront of him, he look completely out. Fubuki doesn't like all the stares Muichiro are getting so he stormed in and take the empty book on the table along with Muichiro's hand and quickly walked out.

He has no idea where to go, but stopping at an busy hallway just wasn't it. So he stomped to where the rest of their friends are, cafetaria.

He swear he just caused most of his friends to get a miny heart attack as he still dragged Muichiro to them. When he reached the table it seem like they are all still in the shocked state, so he turned back to Muichiro who look like a robot making him to be the only one who still have complete control of his body, well if we don't count Gyomei who keep on asking what happened

He banged the table causing most of his friend to jump in suprise "can you all snap back and help me here" With that he pulled Muichiro so now Muichiro are infront of him "he's completely out"

Shinobu shook her head, she's the first one to process the whole ordeal, she analyzed the room and realized all attention are locked on them 'Muichiro can't be involved in any gossip right now' was all that came across her head as she grabbed Muichiro's free hand and pulled him out of the room taking Fubuki with them in the process.

It takes a couple of second before she can finally hear her friends getting up from the table and went after them. She climbed up the stairs as fast as she could and finally they reached the rooftop, it wasn't exacly empty but are an improvement from the full canteen.

She make her way to where they usually sit and seated Muichiro as she sat right next to him "Muichiro" She called out, the rest have reached them, but they didn't sit down, they decided to keep a safe distance for now, but her friends voice enter he ears here and then.

Most of it are wondering why Muichiro is at school, the rest questioning how did he even get to school at such state. But now she need to stay focus on Muichiro and Muichiro only "Muichiro" She called once again, this time louder. Still no response

"Tokito Muichiro" She snapped her fingers right infront of his face and finally get a reaction by the boy flinching "Muichiro my dear, what are you doing here?" She rested her hands on top of Muichiro's shoulder, Muichiro look into her eyes

"I need to go eventually" He answered with a cold tone. Shinobu couldn't help but fell a shiver on her neck when she realized how dull and empty those mint orbs are.

Shinobu opened her mouth to say something, but she just couldn't find it so she shut her mouth again. She was hoping any of her friends would step in, but she didn't expect that hope will be realized by Giyu.

"You aren't wrong, you eventually will need to go to school, not now" As every word come out of his mouth, Giyu get closer and slowly knelt down to meet Muichiro eye to eye

None of them say anything, but the tension are so heavy that none of the others are brave enough to intervene "Muichiro why are you here? Don't lie."

Muichiro was the first to broke the eye contact as his gaze shifted to his own hand on his lap "monday, time for school" The answer are pretty much the same, just in different font. Anyone with even the littlest social skill can tell Muichiro doesn't want to talk about the topic.

This are even more noticeable since Muichiro stand up and left the group, Fubuki called out on him and ran after him when he realized his calls are being completely ignored.

Tengen exchanged look with Shinobu and Rengoku, they all have the exact same question "so what now? He clearly won't go home"

All of them stayed silent as they searched for a solution "let's just let him be today, if he looked overwhelm..." Shinobu paused at sneak a gaze at Sanemi who instantly understood this

"I would drag him back and make sure he stay far away from this dumpshit"

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