Broke The News

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Tengen let out a loud yawn as he open the door to the rooftop, the sun has just showed its shine, Tengen wasn't exacly a morning person, but the again he couldn't really get any sleep last night because of the anxiety crippling through his whole body 'damned Tokito family and Obama, if it turned out to be a prank i will kill them! I lost my beauty sleep!'

Black circles are evident below his dark fuchsia orbs, last night he waited and waited for anyone, Obanai, Muichiro or Fubuki to answer their text or atleast answer their call even if its just for a mere second.

Tengen take out his phone which have a really vibrant rainbow neon color case, Obanai and Sanemi have commented telling how stupid his case look like, but of course he's not gonna change it for some hater, its flashy in his eye.

He scrolled their group chat once again to make sure last night wasn't a nightmare and his hours of sleep have gone to waste

Please answer its been 10 minutes, you should already be there right?

I already told Senjuro to text Yuichiro, they also received no answer

Fuck i'm telling Genya to call that little shit

I have been calling Fubuki a couple time, he didn't picked up

Same with Muichiro, its unflashy for that kid to ignore my calls

If this is a prank i'm sending those brats to hell

I don't think Obi are cruel enough to prank us like this..

Fuck it i'm going there

Please calm down everyone, Sanemi its unsave to go all the way there this late especially by yourself

Who give a fucking fuck??

We all do my friend!

All we can do is wait at the moment

Guys i'm really freaking out now.. Obi never leave me hanging this long...

However, just like what Shinobu said, all we can do is wait

I don't like waiting

Believe me, i feel the same way, but again all we can do is just wait for any news from any of them.

After that are some frantic group call, none of them are answered by the three.

When he finally stopped staring into his phone, that's when he found Mitsuri, Shinobu and Giyu walking toward him, its really clear how none of them actually get any sleep the night by the thick eye bags below each of their eyes, Giyu's eye bag are just on another level from theirs. Usually if it was another normal thursday then Tengen would make fun of how unflashy Giyu's face are, but today wasn't a normal thursday.

The three just sat down in silence, no one spoken up as school are slowly getting more crowded and Sanemi, Rengoku along with Gyomei showed up

"So... Anyone get any sleep?" Finally Shinobu spoke up, Tengen noted how her playful and full of sarcasm tone have disappeared into thin air, all of them just answer by either groaning, yawning or a tired 'no'

After that once again silence has fallen into their table all of their eyes are fixed to the door wishing atleast one of the three come through it, this continued on as second turn into a minute, a minute turn into five, five turn into ten and finally half an hour have passed as the bell rang. No one said anything they just went to their own classes.

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