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Fubuki are now sitting beside the messy bed, his back are resting on the bed. After who knows how long of crying Muichiro has collapsed. He has absolutely no idea did Muichiro fall asleep or passed out due to lack of air, he just convinced himself its the first one "Mui you're awake" a sentence that's usually in a form of question just come out of his mouth as a statement.

He doesn't even need to turn back and look, based on the movement of the bed that's supporting his back he can just tell fairly easily. He can just feel that Muichiro have shifted closer to him, he can also feel the boy's discomfort so he stand up and sat on the bed right next to him and grabbed his hand

Muichiro can just feel new tears are starting to form in his eyes, this always happened for a couple of days, just when he start to think he has cried everything out, a new one just respawned "Mui please tell me, what drive you to do such thing" he never heard Fubuki talking in such soft way, atleast after what happened nine years ago

Before he know it he just blurted everything out, he doesn't even know what words come out of his mouth, he isn't sure can Fubuki understand a word he's saying, he just let it all out. The voices, the conversation he heard at the library which he has forgotten just a second before he started to voice it out, the girl who called him Yuichiro. He told Fubuki every single thing

It feel like the his lung can finally function normally again after so long, the unbearable weight has also been lifted. Once he finally run out of things to say he just continue on rambling out god knows what, he can feel Fubuki pulling him into a warm embrace as he just keep on going spilling every word inside his vocabulary till everything turned black

Finally Muichiro's mumbling died down as his breath steadied. Not so long he can hear soft snores from the unconscious body in his hug, he slowly lie Muichiro's body down and cover him with the white blanket. He take a peek to the living room to see the wall clock. It's just and already seven pm. Which is suprising in two ways, he gotten home at probably twelve pm so it has been seven hours while for him it feels like its just been one hour but also the whole day.

He doesn't even care anymore. He know he's supposed to tell his friends about what happened but he's exhausted. Now all he want is to go to the couch lie down and fall asleep, but he know himself well enough to know he wouldn't get a blink of sleep if Muichiro isn't in his range of sight. So he decided to do what Obanai did which is sleeping on the floor right next to the bed. Yes he know he can just slip into the bed, in normal circumstances he would, they are used to sleeping in the same bed since they have been friends for a long long time, but he want to give Muichiro as much space as he can at the moment.

As soon as he lie down he started to feel drousy, he doesn't bother to fight the feeling and just let his mind wander to wherever it wanted as he fallen asleep

"How you feeling?" Fubuki questioned looking at his plate which is filled with onigiri, he's lucky enough to somehow grabbed some onigiri during his frantic shopping at the minimart. He take a quick glance at Muichiro who's sitting beside him holding the onigiri with both his hands right in front of his mouth but have yet taken a single bite

Yet Muichiro didn't answer, this make him let out a tired sigh. He reached for his phone that are laying next to his plate not long he moved closer to Muichiro and put his phone in front of Muichiro's face. He gave Fubuki a confused look before focusing on the phone screen, he can feel his eyes widen when he finally processed what's in front of his very eyes. A photo of their school's football team with the captain of the team holding a trophy.

"Can you tell me who said.. Those" Muichiro understood what Fubuki meant. He tried to remember but he just couldn't. He opened his mouth to answer but nothing come out so he shut his mouth again and just response by shaking his head

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