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They stayed in their position, Giyu hold onto Muichiro as he cried, he seem to be murmuring something but Giyu can't catch it. Ten minutes have passed, he just can feel Fubuki making his way to the principal to report Muichiro and his disappearence, and the fact at the moment Giyu couldn't reach his phone that has been ringing for god knows how long.

Finally Muichiro's sobbing died down, he can feel Muichiro's grib on his jacket also have weaken "i'm tired" He uttered out between his quiet sniffle

Giyu patted his back "just rest" Was all he could managed to get out of his mouth before he lifted Muichiro into his hand, he carry him with his arms supporting Muichiro's back and legs in front of his body.

He can feel Muichiro's body stiffen for a mere second before he snuggled into his body, not long Giyu can hear soft snoring come from the boy in his arms.

Seeing Muichiro fall asleep so fast ached his heart in someway. He make his way to the infirmary trying to walk as stable as possible not to shake the boy in his arm to much. Thank god its already class time so no one are on the hallway to give them weird and judging stares.

"Miss Tamayo" He called out, infront of him a slide door, he couldn't open it since his hand are occupied and he's trying not to make any unnecessary movements.

Thankfully the nurse have heard him since the door just slided open revealing the petite woman with her black hair styled in a bun. Her eyes went round before moving out of the way signaling at one of the empty bed in the room.

Giyu understood what she meant and quickly put Muichiro down at the bed slowly not to wake him up "what happened?" Tamayo have positioned herself beside him

"He fell asleep after crying for more than 10 minutes" Giyu explained shortly before reaching for his phone that magically have stopped ringing as he walk away from the bed not to stand in Tamayo's way as she's checking Muichiro's temperature for some reason

He's not even suprised by the notification saying he has like twenty missed call from Fubuki alone, and for some reason His mother also called him. He ignored the latter and called Fubuki, his call is answered almost immediatly

"Why didn't you answer?!" Giyu need to move his phone away from his ears not to burst his eardrum

Fubuki keep on going asking where he is, why he didn't give him any news and a lot more which is really the same type of question just in different fonts "Just come to the infirmary" Giyu groaned while massaging the temple of his nose

Without a blink of an eye he hear a beep and realized Fubuki have turn off the call probably so he could sprint here faster, Fubuki would help the athletics team here and then since he's pretty much the fastest runner in the school.

Giyu turned back to where the bed are and see Tamayo have gone to somewhere, he searched the room and found Tamayo writing something down at the table which is filled with papers, before he could ask the door flew open.

He's not gonna lie, Fubuki's speed can still fascinate him. Giyu can see how Fubuki let out a loud sigh when his gaze fall onto Muichiro laying on the bed. Then he shot a glare at him clearly asking for a very detailed explanation.

'This is gonna be a long day'

"I think it would be better for him to stay home for another week" Tamayo have seated them infront of her, she then gave Giyu three piece of pappers, each have their names on it "for Tokito i will give him a week, if it isn't enough you can just inform me" She continued as Giyu take the papers, he gave Fubuki his "but for you two it just for the rest of the day"

With that Tamayo stand up and walked toward the door "i will inform the teachers" Was what she said before leaving the room first, leaving the two "so.. Your apartement?" Giyu asked

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