Restless Night

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Obanai watched as some of the paramedics team are making sure the citizens stay calm, he sees a woman taking out two blankets from the ambulance, out of reflex he screamed out "i'm friend with someone who's living here! Is everything alright??"

The woman turned to him and seem to be thinking for a few second "what's your friend name?" She's wearing a mask so Obanai can't telk clearly how she looked, but he can hear from her voice how serious the situation is

"Muichiro.." Somehow it felt like his voice have decided to hide somewhere deep inside his stomach

"You can go with me, but you can only stay by his side.. Understood?" Obanai can only nod at the order and make his way following the woman into the house, as they get closer to the door the woman stopped and turned to him "listen... Your friend is a mess. Not only him there's also another kid, so you NEED to stay calm. That's if you want to help."

As he entered the house the first thing he see is Fubuki staring into nothing 'so he's the other kid' he burried his intention to run to the greynette, since at the moment, the owner of the house need to be his priority.

His heart dropped when he sees another one of his friend, Muichiro are sat down on the sofa, his body trembling as tears flow down from his eye. But it feel like Muichiro wasn't actually there, it feel like he's far far away to a place no one know where.

The woman quickly give the man who's inspecting Muichiro one of the blanket and then made her way to the kitchen probably to give the other blanket to Fubuki.

Obanai gulped before finally taking a step by step and reaching Muichiro, he sat down beside him, blanket already wrapped on his back

The man looked at Obanai "you must be wondering what happened" He wasn't wrong. Obanai's mind are filled with thousand of questions but all of it disappear when he see the state of his friend.

So he ignored the man and putted his hand at his friend's shoulder. It seem like this snapped Muichiro back as he begin to process his surrounding

He slowly look at him before throwing his body onto Obanai and broke into tears, Obanai didn't hesitated to hug the crying boy, he pulled him close making Muichiro burry his face onto Obanai's chest and cried uncontrollably. It seem like Muichiro's cries snapped Fubuki as the greynette quickly turned to see Muichiro sitting at Obanai's lap as he cry and sobbed

Fubuki's mind was blank, he can't hear or see anything. Its just pitch black and silence. That was until he hear cries of his friend. Out of reflex he turned around and meet with the view of Muichiro crying onto Obanai, Muichiro was sitting on Obanai's lap. "Finally, can i ask you some question?"

He feel some liquid stream down his cheeks, he know well what that is, but he quickly wipe it clear. He need to be strong if he want to come into any help for his friend, he turned to the man kneeling infront of him and nodded

"Can you explain what happened?" The man infront of him have a stern voice, Fubuki somehow glad about it because if he was faced with someone who would look sorry at him and talk in a gentle voice he might break down like Muichiro

"I hear a scream when i'm climbing the stairs to my apartement.. So i sprinted here, i called for Yui and Mui but no one answered so i broke down the door" Fubuki didn't waste a single second to think about what he's gonna say, it just went out of his mouth without any filter whatsoever "i go upstair and find Muichiro frozen infront of his bedroom so i looked inside.." The image of what he see in the bedroom show up once again in his mind as he feel his cheeks get wet by the tears that escaped his eye "Yuichiro are laying there, knife on his hand and pool of blood beneath him.."

Obanai feels his body stiffen instantly. He can hear everything Fubuki said crystal clean. And he knows Muichiro did to.

Muichiro frozen as everything hit him all over again, his cries get louder as Obanai hugged him, bringing the boy even closer even though there's really no distance left to be removed between the two.

"Can we leave.. Please i beg you... Just one night..." Obanai can hear Fubuki pleading to the paramedics team, his gaze went from Muichiro to the greynette "after i will answer any question... I beg you.. Atleast let Mui rest.. Please" He pleaded pulling the cloth of the man infront of him

Obanai mentally slapped himself when he realized his vision are getting blurry, he can't break. He need to be the source of comfort for Muichiro and probably Fubuki after this

After minutes of Muichiro cry and sobs along with Fubuki's begging over and over again the paramedics and police who have arrived let them go after they give the police Obanai's address so they can go there to question the two tomorrow.

They have decided to stay at Obanai's house the night, there's no way any of them can stay at the house tonight, Fubuki's apartement have a clear view of the house which isn't gonna help especially since the three of them are used of having sleepover there every weekend night.

Obanai half carried Muichiro who seem to have finally cried himself out of tears, he looked so pale like he can pass out any moment, while Fubuki walked silently beside Obanai not looking that much better.

When he finally open the door of his house, it certainly didn't help when his mom and dad quickly bombard him with question such as why did he go without saying a thing, what happened, what about the ambulance, and other things

He groaned "mom, dad i will tell you everything, just let me put Muichiro into bed first" He isn't the type to talk in a impolite way towards his parent, but at the moment he couldn't waste his energy just to think about a way to tell his parent off without being rude

He prayed silently that his parents won't go all scolding mode with him, and thank goddess this time his pray are accepted by god as his parents just watch him climb up the stairs to his bedroom with Fubuki tailing him

Obanai lay down Muichiro to the bed, the boy quickly fall asleep as soon as he touched the soft bed, he then turned to Fubuki who let himself sit on the floor watching Obanai tucking Muichiro in

"Come here" He ordered as he patted the free spot on the bed, Fubuki's eye widen at this for a mere second before returning back to normal

"How about you?" He questioned, Obanai didn't answer, he just went to him and pulled his hand forcing him to stand up and he quickly push Fubuki into sitting on the bed by pushing his shoulder down

Obanai didn't remove his hand from the boy's shoulders "just sleep" After that he didn't give anytime for Fubuki to reply as he quickly turned his back onto the boy and leave the room

He go to the first floor and looked at the living room where both of his parents are sitting on the carpet even though there's a sofa behind them that are left untended, they looked at them sharply as he sitted in front of them

"What's wrong Obi? You rushed out of the house without saying anything then comeback half carrying Muichiro who look like he's gonna pass out" His mother was the first one to start

"And Fubuki was following you looking really lost" His father added shortly

Hearing the concern in his parents voice completely broke down the wall that keep him from breaking down, finally the tears that's been burried so deep find its way out as he sobbed while telling everything to his parents.

His mind was racing as everything hit him once again, this time he have nothing to protect himself, he doesn't even know what he told his parents, he only remember telling how Yuichiro are dead, the rest are total blur as his mother pulled him into a hug while he keep on talking and talking not even knowing what he's saying.

After half an hour finally he have calmed down, his parents told him to just rest and so he did as ordered. He reached for his phone and just then realized how many messages and miss call he have gotten.

But he's to tired to do anything, he just see the time on his phone showing its already midnight and then turned off his phone, he looked up to his room and see how Fubuki are also already asleep on his bed while hugging Muichiro who is snuggling into him.

Since there's no way he's gonna fit into the bed, he just take a few cloth from his wardrobe and slip it below his head as he lay on the floor not far from the bed, usually he wouldn't be able to sleep on the hard wooden floor but this very night, he's exhausted.

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