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The very next morning, Muichiro know for sure that god just hate him. The two police officer come the first thing in the morning, just 10 minute right after Obanai's parents left for work leaving only the two of them alone in the house. Obanai already tried his best to force Fubuki to stay another night, but the grey haired boy decided it's better for him to get comfortable again in his room. He need to get used to the room that are filled with Yuichiro's memories.

They asked a couple questions, such as anyone who held grudge to his family, did Yuichiro showed any sign of... planning to do this, if Yuichiro have been bullied, anything that could be the reason of his suicide.. these questions just keep on reminding him of how bad of a brother he is since he doesn't have any clear answer for them. And as if he doesn't feel bad enough, the police officer who have been busy noting all of his answers dropped a bombshell at him "what?"

"Your guardian, Tsugikuni Mitchikatsu have told us to just bury Tokito Yuichiro without any proper ceremony" His ears are ringing, he couldn't hear Obanai's lash out at the policeman, his world are spinning so fast it make him feel nauseous, but he have nothing in his stomach left to be thrown out. 

The rest of the day was a blur, he sees each of his friend talking to him, but he doesn't remember what any of them said, he have no control over his own body its like he's watching a movie in first person point of view. He's just there but he also isn't, he remember Shinobu once again tried to feed him, he doesn't remember was it at breakfast, lunch or diner, he just know it happened.. right? Mitsuri breaking down as she hugged him... when did that happened? 

His friends decided to stay at Obanai's house the night, they eat dinner with Obanai's parents... did they eat with Obanai's parents? when did they even come back? he couldn't remember.. was he wearing these cloth from the start? if he didn't then when did he change? how did he ended up inside Obanai's bed again? 

Just when... when did he get to the cemetery? when he changed into a black suit? who's being burried infront of his very eyes? oh... that one he remember.. Yuichiro, his twin brother. Then who's the group sitting beside his twin's grave bawling their eyes out? was they Yuichiro's friend? if so how come he doesn't remember any of their names? when did his tears escaped his eyes? 

How did he ended up having dinner at.. what's her name? Mi... Mizuki? Misaki? house? who are the two adult that are looking at him with a very sad gaze? Now they're at another house? what happened? when and how his cloth change again? he doesn't feel hungry, did he already eaten today? when?? 

Why... why couldn't he remember? why is he inside of his damned empty house again? 

A week have passed, which mean monday is bound to arrived "so what we gonna do now?" Sanemi was first to start their discussion, they are now once again make a circle inside Obanai's living room. The whole week they have been having 'sleep over' from one house to another while completely ignoring school. This wasn't a problem since their principal did give them a week break to cope with the grieving.

But now, that week are over, next monday they need to start attending again, that is if they doesn't wanna get punished for being absent. This ticks Sanemi off 'how the fuck is one week enough to grieve??'

"How about we take turn ditching school?!" Rengoku suggested, none of them seem to really like the idea, there's a big chance they would get in trouble

"I can just beat the shit out of a first year and get suspended" If Sanemi was being honest, he just asked the other as a form of formality, he already has his own idea in mind from the very beginning. This was quickly dismissed by Gyomei and Shinobu sadly

Then they all fall quiet as each of them search their brain for another solution, but none of them though they would finally hear Muichiro's voice after days "i.. Can stay alone..."

"No way!!! I'm not gonna leave you alone Muichi!" Mitsuri exaggerated as she pull Muichiro's who is sitting right next to her into a bear hug

Their friends all exchanged look, indeed Muichiro would need to start getting used to his home again at some point, but it have only been a week. It's still way too early.

Shinobu shifted from her spot to Muichiro who have finally managed to slipped out of Mitsuri's deathly hug. She reached for his hand with both of her hands "Muichiro i think it's still way too fast for you, let's wait a little longer okay?"

Muichiro just look at her with his blank expression that have been patched on his face since Yuichiro's funeral, sometime she isn't sure if Muichiro are even with them at the moment

"I can take care of myself." He finally responded, based on how steady his voice is, Shinobu can tell that whatever she said wouldn't even budge Muichiro's decision one bit.

She looked back at Rengoku and Tengen who's separated by an empty space where she was just a minute ago, Tengen just shrugged while Rengoku didn't give any response.

In the very end they can just follow Muichiro's wishes as they are now making their way to the house. Fubuki completely refused to tag along. This makes them rethink their decision since even Fubuki isn't ready to face the familiar scenery.

"Hey bud are you sure?? I think ditching school now and then doesn't sound sooo unflashy" Tengen slowed his steps to match Muichiro who is clinging into Gyomei. Muichiro stayed silent for a few second and finally gave him a weak nod

Tengen just sighed and go to his normal pace again, Gyomei, Muichiro and Mitsuri are right behind him, Shinobu and Obanai. Rengoku, Sanemi and Giyu put themself behind Muichiro probably to make sure nothing bad can happen. 'Just what's inside his brain?'

Finally they arrived at the house. Obanai decided to take the lead and turn the door handle since Muichiro didn't move from Gyomei's side. As he had expected, the door wasn't locked. Its a miracle there's no sign of anyone breaking in.

They proceeded to clean the entire first floor, Muichiro's house isn't exacly big, at the first floor there's a guest bedroom, living room, kitchen which is also used as a dining room and a bathroom. So it doesn't take long for them to wipe everything clean.

Now moving to the second floor which doesn't feel so pleasant. Second floor consist of Muichiro's parent bedroom, another bathroom and... Muichiro and Yuichiro shared bedroom. Based on what Fubuki told them, that's where Yuichiro...

This time Muichiro was the first one to climb up the stairs, he skipped the first door to the left. He stopped moving right infront of the door at the end of the hallway, Obanai swear he see Muichiro's hand trembling as he reached for the door handle.

As soon as the door opened a strong smell of alcohol bursted out, Muichiro didn't even flinch as he enter the room and turned on the light revealing a perfectly clean room that have two bed inside it

"Well i guess someone already take care of it" Obanai whispered under his breath, he wonder how many product was used to clean this room since even though he's wearing a mask, he can still smell the thick alcohol scent. Which is probably why most of his friend behind him are covering their nose and mouth.

Tengen even gagged and sprinted away, not long after they hear a loud thud but everyone decided to ignore it. Suddenly something grabbed his wrist and pulled him out of the room as the door slammed closed.

He looked down and find it was Muichiro who just drag him out as he slammed the door, Muichiro's eyes are locked on the floor making most of his face are covered by his long bang "don't enter.." He muttered out

No one knows how to react to this so none of them did anything, and at the end they just shake the event off their head as they make their way out the house. Muichiro didn't say anything, he just watched them step out of the house and close the door without saying anything

After that they never heard anything from the black haired boy, Obanai tried to visit but was left with no response, everyone tried reaching out to him but again all their messages are left on delivered and their calls goes unanswered.

Thankfully Muichiro still answer Fubuki's message with a single word or two confirming he's fine. None of them believed this of course, but they really couldn't do anything at the moment so they just let him be for now, as long as he's still able to atleast reply to one message then they would leave him alone

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