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After Muichiro open his house door and enter, that's when Fubuki finally sighed and make his way to his apartement which are on the fourth floor, a lot of stairs but he still gotta thank god since he isn't on the sixth floor or the highest floor.

But he would appreciate it more if only the elevator on this apartement are more reliable, he had gotten stuck inside the elevator twice and so he decided to stop trusting the thing and just use the stairs even tho it can be tiring.

There's two way staircase, one located at the left part of the building which he used the most since it's closest to his room, the other one was on the right. There's some windows on the staircase where he can clearly see the house of his childhood friend

He have reached the second floor when a loud scream can be heard, the voice he recognized. His heart dropped as he slide down the hand rail as it was the fastest way, when he reached the halfway he just jumped down not caring if he's gonna get injured because of it and sprinted out of the building.

When he got out he see infront of his friend's house, a lot of people have gathered because of the scream, none of them seem to be brave enough to enter the yard let alone the house.

With thousands of question he make his way to the house's door and try to turn the handle to open the door, but the door didn't move even one bit "MUI?! YUI?! ANYONE??!!!" When no answer can be heard, he felt adrenaline filled his whole body and without thinking he kicked down the door

He looked at the living room then the kitchen, no one can be seen so that left the second floor, he sprinted up the stairs thanking god he didn't slipped or anything, as soon as he look to the direction where the twins room are, he find Muichiro shaking like crazy on his knees

"Mui what-" Before he could finish his eye caught a glimpse of the room, Yuichiro sat on the floor leaning to his bed with a pool of blood beneath him. A knife covered by red liquid on his right hand.

Fubuki was frozen for a mere seconds, he cannot move even an inch and so he forced his hand to slap his own face as hard as it could to get his body to move again.

He sprinted down to the living room where the house phone are, he hold his breath as he heard beeping for a couple second that felt like eternity

"Hello 911?" He hear a women's voice from the other end, but he couldn't say anything, his mind racing trying to find anything to say, anything. "Hello? I've located your location is everything fine?"

"Ambulance" Was all he could muttered out, his voice sound so raspy but he couldn't careless at the moment

"I'm sending one on your way, may i know your name?" Fubuki slapped himself once again making his right cheek get even more redder than it already is

"Fubuki Shirou, i need an ambulance for my friend! He's laying on the floor.. Blood.. There's blood everywhere.." He explained, his voice shaking as he run his fingers across his grey hair, as he explained that's when his mind finally able to process what he just see, that's when he realized something, Yuichiro wasn't moving. His chest wasn't moving.

"Okay Fubuki i need you to calm down.. Who is your friend? Are you the one who find him? " As the woman asked Fubuki can hear sound of typing

"Tokito Yuichiro- i.. I no.. I come here because.." Fubuki mentally punched himself, he shook his head hard 'its not the time to freak out.' "I come here because i heard Yuichiro's twin, Muichiro screamed..." He took a deep breath, it was a short sentence but somehow it took so much of the air in his lung.

"How old are you, Yuichiro and Muichiro? Is there any parental figure in the house" The sound of typing are getting louder and louder by the second that Fubuki somehow found it harder to hear the woman's voice

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