There's Always A Reason

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Giyu was the first to react as he went to the bedroom "he's here" He announced when he found Muichiro sitting on the bed staring blankly up the ceiling. Suddenly Sanemi pushed him and marched into the room "Shinazugawa" His call are completely ignored by the white head.

He reached for Muichiro's collar "you damned brat!!" He pulled Muichiro close to his face causing the boy to flinch. Giyu blocked Mitsuri's path with his hand "Giyu?!" Giyu doesn't understand himself, but he felt like this scene would unfold itself to revealing something they cannot see by being all nice and soft to the boy.

"Why the fuck would you try to jump off the goddamned building!?!" He shake Muichiro as he talk, finally Muichiro look at him right in the eye

"What's the point?" This response caught him off guard causing his grib to lossen "what's the point of living? I have no one, no one would care anyway"

Now this caused his blood to boil "no one?! What the fuck do you think we are?!" It takes everything in him not to punch the blank face infront of his eye "no one care?! Fuck none of us get a blink of sleep that night thinking about you! Goddamned Gyomei and Mitsuri have cried for millionth of time this month!! Shinobu, Rengoku and Giyu haven't sleep for days trying to find the reason for your brother's suicide!! Tengen beaten the shit out of those brats!! Fubuki fucking fainted thinking about you!!" His whole body are trembling, he could barely even stand up straight at the very moment

"You have no one, no one would care my ass!! Say that again and i will be the one to sent you to hell you fucking brat!!" Realizing he wouldn't be able to hold back anymore he let go of Muichiro's collar causing the boy to collapsed back to the bed.

He stormed out of the room, while Mitsuri come marching into the room pulling Muichiro into her embrace. Giyu swear he can see a tint of light inside those mint orbs for a second before Muichiro broke into tears and burry himself into Mitsuri's hug.

Shinobu can hear Sanemi's screams and Mitsuri's panic while Giyu did everything he can to prevent Mitsuri from stopping Sanemi. She doesn't understand why Giyu did so, but she believed he wouldn't do anything that would do nothing but harm Muichiro.

Her attention are completely taken by Fubuki groaning, he shifted a few times indicating he's about to wake up "Fubuki can you hear me dear?"

Fubuki quickly shot up, his breath racing each other, he looked right and left panicly "Fubuki its okay, just breath" It seem like her voice somehow reached him as he took a deep breath but he started coughing.

She's about to get up and get something for him to drink but it seem like Rengoku and Tengen beat her on it "drink first buddy" The both of them give Fubuki a water bottle at the exact same time. Fubuki reached for the one in Rengoku's hand which are already opened.

Obanai showed up from the kitchen with a plastic bag in his hand, he handed it Shinobu "he might vomit" He voiced, Shinobu just nodded right at that moment Sanemi stormed out.

"I will go after him!" Rengoku quickly reacted, Tengen didn't say anything but tailed the man anyway.

"What happened?..." Fubuki asked, Shinobu know she should contain herself, but she just couldn't. She pulled the boy infront of her into a tight hug.

"You must be scared my dear... Sorry we put all the burden on you.." This caused the whole event to rewind itself inside of Fubuki's head all over again, he feel his cheek getting wet from the tears that escaped his eyes "let it all out, you already bent too much, you can break now, but please recover after"

Finally everyone had calmed down. They all sat down in Fubuki's living room in a circle, Sanemi, Rengoku and Tengen are nowhere to be seen.

"Muichiro you know you mean so much to us right?" Shinobu hold Muichiro's face with both of her hand "But..." Before he can finish she cutted him off "don't listen to those voices. You aren't the one to blame for Yuichiro, none of us hoped it was you."

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