There's An Attempt

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Muichiro feel like his head have been hitted with thousand pieces of glass, his eyes feel like it's being pulled out of it place, even his throat feel like a dry desert with not even a single drip of water.

He groaned as he pulled himself to get up, this caused his head to hurt even more, he pressed his forehead with the palm of his right hand while his left hand are supporting him not to fall and lie down again. His eyes are forced close as he shook his head to stable his vision

"Where am i?" He managed to mumbled out, he flinched at how dry and low his voice sounded like, he analyzed the room which really only have a single wood wardrobe and the bed he's sitting on. The room really looked familiar, his head ached as he keep on trying to remember and finally after a minute that really felt like an whole hour he remember 'Shirou's bedroom? But why?'

His ears started ringing right at the very moment the question went across his head "Why can't you die instead?" He feel tears forming inside of his already sore eyes, it certainly didn't help that he has completely forgotten the voice of the boy that actually said that, so now the voice is replaced by the voice he heard pretty much every single day before that night. Yuichiro's voice. A voice really similar to his, just sound a little more low that his usual voice

Muichiro covered both of his ears "no.." He quietly murmured under his breath, the tears finally slipped out of his eye socket making the white blanket that covered his lower body wet "Yuichiro wouldn't say that.." He shook his hear as hard as he could to get rid of the voice but it didn't work.

"If you're the one dead then everything would be much better" This time the voice has changed, he recognized it as the owner of the place he's inside of right now, this make him stopped moving completely "no.. Shirou.. He.. He wouldn't say that..."

He shifted from his ears to pulling his hair hoping the feeling of his hair being pulled out at the very least would lower the voices volume, but it didn't work. Not even a little bit. He didn't even realized how hard he's pulling his black and teal hair until a few strand of hair given up.
"No.. No one think that.. The others..."

"Yuichiro?" A soft voice of a girl ring in his ears. A voice full of hope... The girl from the library before... A girl maybe the same height as Shinobu.. Her eyes glowed in hope but those hope completely vanished replaced by... Disgust

Muichiro feel anything he has left leave his body. He slumped out of the bed. His ears ringing but he doesn't care anymore, he dragged his feet to a single window which are covered by a white curtain, with his trembling hand he pulled the curtain revealing the sky which is covered by a grey and sad cloud.

But that isn't where he's looking, no not at the sky. But to the ground got knows how many feet away he reached out his hand but he cannot get closer because of the mirror. He just stared at the ground far away his eyes doesn't held even a single tint of glow inside of it. Even the tears seem to have completely frozen on its way down

'Yuichiro should be alive, not me.' he tried to break the window by punching it but it didn't even budged, probably because he haven't eaten anything for... Two day? Three? It doesn't even matter anymore.

He somehow managed to get out of the bedroom with unsteady steps, he reached the door and turn the handle as the door immediately opened. Fubuki isn't the type to leave his door unlocked. Maybe this is the sign from god that he doesn't deserve to stay alive. The sign it indeed should be him, not Yuichiro.

Before he even know it he reached the rooftop, his body moved on its own making its way to the edge ignoring the sky that are crying. Now all it takes is a single step. A single step and he would reunited with his family.

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