All He Need Is Peace

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Rengoku make his to the bathroom, there he found the two girls who went to retrieve Muichiro are standing infront of the door silently like a statue.

"Hello ladies!" Judging by Mitsuri's yelp and Shinobu's little jump then his voice must suprised the two "oh i am sorry!" He speak in the lowest volume he can which isn't really that low

Shinobu put a finger infront of her lip indicating Rengoku to stop talking, thankfully he can understand this very well as he sealed his mouth, then Shinobu move out of Rengoku's line of sight revealing Muichiro sitting on the cold bathroom floor seem rather lost.

"We don't know how to awaken him without startling him.." Mitsuri uttered probably realizing his confusion, Rengoku nodded as he went into the bathroom and knelt down infront of the boy

He slowly put his hand to Muichiro's shoulder and give it a light shake, even though its the softest he could he seem to still upset the boy as tears started to escape Muichiro's mint eyes, his whole body stiffen as he start to mumble his brother's name again and again.

Rengoku can feel his smile drop because of the view infront of him, he ended up pulling Muichiro into his arm, he didn't say anything and just keep on stroking Muichiro's black hair as he cried in his chest. His body are shaking tremendously that Rengoku feared he might start having trouble breathing.

This goes on for a minute till Rengoku felt something on his shoulder, as he look back he found a glass of water which are being held by Shinobu "this should help him calm down"

Rengoku take the glass from her, he waited awhile until Muichiro's sobbing have finally decreased then he pushed Muichiro a little so his face wouldn't be buried onto his chest, Rengoku opened his mouth wanting to say something but ended up only shoving the glass infront of Muichiro's face

Muichiro wipe the tears in his eyes as he look at the glass then at Rengoku before finally taking it and gulped down the water in it, it feels like his throat are refusing to let the water goes through that easily as he choked.

Shinobu quickly knelt down and patted his back "slow down.. Its okay" She mumbled quietly. After another five minutes they finally decided its time to get back to the others.

Muichiro's crying have calmed down, he still let out some silent sobs but not to the point where he have problem breathing anymore. Rengoku was first to stand up as he lend his hand to Muichiro who reached to it.

As he stand up he lost his balance and fall down, thankfully Rengoku are fast to put his arm onto Muichiro's body preventing him from hitting the floor, Shinobu and Mitsuri who watched this let out a relieved sigh.

"Let me help you little guy" With that Rengoku knelt down telling Muichiro to get onto his back, Muichiro hesitated and didn't move one inch till Shinobu who's behind him pushed his body gently

Muichiro couldn't find the strength to resist and just burry his face into the bigger man's back, he feel warm. Somehow it feel like Yuichiro was the one who is carrying him which is very weird not only because Yuichiro are nowhere as big as Rengoku is, but also because Yuichiro are dead.

He feel more tears form inside of his eyes as he feel more and more drousy, he tried to resist it but slowly everything become darker by the seconds and he finally give in, maybe this is a form god's mercy, to let him finally fall asleep.

Once they reached the living room where the rest of the group are, Rengoku just realized how the boy on his back are deep asleep, with the help of Obanai they managed to put Muichiro lay down on the sofa without waking him up.

They sat down on the floor forming a circle as Shinobu started to explain what happened, how Muichiro is throwing up when she found him, how he have blacked out not long before Mitsuri get to them and then his break down when Rengoku touch his shoulder

"Panic attack?" Tengen guessed, he have his hand under his chin, Gyomei shook his head  "I have... Seen panic attacks before, maybe something match but i don't think that's it"

Everyone stayed silent as each of them think and process what just happened, then Sanemi spoke up "he vomitted right?" This question are answered by a little nod by Mitsuri and Shinobu "maybe he remembered... That.."

Everyone understood what he mean. As all the head turned from Sanemi to Fubuki and Obanai who's sitting beside him, no one said a single word and it finally seem to irritated Fubuki "what?" He voiced

"How... The scene look like?" Tengen asked, he cleared his throat trying to find the right word "is it.. bru" he coughed realising he the word he's using is not really the best one "bad enough to make you nauseous?" 

Fubuki unconsciousy starting to twirl the white strap of his black jacket finally realizing how he haven't changed since the event last night "well it's bad enough to nearly make me fainted, didn't make me fell nauseous one bit... but keep in mind" He turned to Muichiro who's still sleeping quietly and then turned back to his friend who's eagerly waiting for him to continue "that wasn't the exact copy of myself that i call my brother" None of his friend can reply to this.

Indeed putting Fubuki as an comparison isn't efficient, maybe Fubuki and Yuichiro are close as friends, but then again the case is still totally different. Fubuki lost a friend. Muichiro lost a brother, a twin brother.

"Is.. there real... really nothing.. we.. we can.. do?" Mitsuri tried to talk between her sobs, she managed to attract all of her friends attention as she have started tearing up without anyone even noticing, Obanai quickly pulled her into a hug. Just then Tengen realized the big man beside him also have tears streaming down his face, he tried patting his shoulder awkwardly

Sanemi suddenly jumped up "i will tell you what we can do. Stop sulking and comfort him." He is totally right. They would just make it harder for Muichiro by crying and being under the weather "and don't pamper him to much, just fucking act normal" harsh word that contain nothing but the truth. They need to be the source of comfort Muichiro, but also give him the space he needed. Tengen understand this. He really did. However..

"Easier said than done.." those word accidently slipped out of his tongue, but he didn't regret it "that makes it flashy" he hear Rengoku chuckling at this, slowly the quiet laugh spread, he can see by the tip of his eye Obanai just rolled his different collored orbs

"Really? Don't you have any other word in your vocabulary?" Tengen just laughed it off, he make sure he keep his volume at minimum in order not to wake up Muichiro. He knows his friends did the same especially Rengoku 

After awhile the quiet laughter finally died down "act normal huh? How.. Nothing is normal.." Shinobu whispered under her breath, she did this once time to time usually her friends can't hear her but thanks to the silence in the room, she knows her friend can hear her crystal clean. She also knows her friends all silently agreed with her.

But still they would all try their best. No matter how hard it is. They would do their best to help their dearest friends. And after all of this is resolved they would talk about it and the one who get helped would apologize for being a 'drag' and then the magic word will be said "that's what friend are for"

Tbh i don't really like how this chapter turned out, alot of things just feel off, i would rewrite this chapter one day in the future, till then please bear this thing with me (i would also really appreciate any suggestion if anyone have them)

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