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"Fubuki?" Giyu attracted the attention from all of his friend, even Mitsuri forgotten for a second that her mouth are still full of sakura mochi

Then he quickly shifted his phone from his ear to putting it on the table "you're on" Shinobu realized the call is on speaker so probably Fubuki asked for it

"Firstly, please don't freak out" It was really unusual for Fubuki to sound this tired. It doesn't take a genious to tell whatever he's about to say is something really serious and maybe urgent aswell.

This caused most of them to nod even though they know well he can't have known they had nodded their head "Mui nearly jumped off the building last night" Shinobu felt her heart dropped dead. So did the water bottle on her hands causing the water to spill all over the table. But really she couldn't care about that right now, just how could she care about anything else after those word enter her ears.

"You fuckhead don't fucking joke like that!!" Sanemi get off his seat and reached for Giyu's phone

"Do i sound like i'm joking?" Fubuki's voice are so stable. Way to stable that it just showed how true what he just said "listen carefully.. Please i couldn't repeat this..." And now out of the sudden he started stuttering, he sound like he's about to break down crying at any moment

After that he told them about all that have happened after Giyu went home, how he noticed Muichiro has gotten skinnier, his run to the minimart and back, how he found his apartment empty, his guts rushing him up to the rooftop, Muichiro nearly jumped off right in front of his very own eyes, how he barely managed to get hold of his black hair and pulled him back, all of it to the very detailed bit of Muichiro's breakdown. Then he continued telling how he has called Kanao to ask about anyone other than them in the library that's how he get the name of two boys that lead Muichiro to do something so drastic

Sanemi was silent. Completely silent. His eyes seem to lit up in anger "who is the two brats?" He finally speak up again

"Nakeo, my soccer teammate and Tanaka, Yuichiro's baseball teammate." Shinobu has a really bad feeling. Or should she say, a feeling that's usually bad but right now it doesn't seem so bad.

"Where is those motherfuckers class?" This question confirmed her wild guess. She know she should do something to calm down Sanemi and now Tengen who's now clenching his hand so hard it started shaking, but she wouldn't. She's also furious. So she would just watch the whole event unfold in front of her own eye

"Miss Hina art class for Nakeo and mister Eigo's english for Tanaka" Right when this entered Sanemi's ears he throw the phone back to the owner and stomped off, not even a millisecond later Tengen followed his steps. It doesn't take long for each of them to understand what those two would do so they ran off chasing them. Most of them have different thing in mind. For Shinobu specially its to make sure she catch the event inside her phone.

"And that's the reason Tengen and Sanemi was... furious" Even she herself questioned how she managed to explain such a long story with just some short sentences. Of course she left the part where Muichiro attempted suicide and just replace it by him crying

The principal turned from Shinobu to the two eleventh grader who's still refusing to see him. He groaned as he take off his square glasses so he can massage the temple of his nose "i understand your anger, but we can not punish someone for voicing out their opinion" the two seem to be ready to answer but the principal beaten them on it "especially with violence."

Tengen clicked his tongue while Sanemi just go back to looking up to the ceiling "Uzui you are hereby suspended for a month. While for Shinazugawa, since you haven't actually touched Nakeo you will only be getting detention." The two groaned but the older man clearly give no mind to this and shifted his gaze to Shinobu who of course still has her innocent smile "Kocho i will let you go with a warning"

Shinobu's smile didn't shift for even an inch as she bowed down "thank you mister" and with that they can finally leave the principal's office.

They all stand there frozen no one said a single word, but they all know they have the exact same thing in mind. They don't even discuss it, they showed they all agreed by marching to where Muichiro is. It is just half a day of school anyway.

Now Fubuki are just sitting at the couch, just staring at the wall as his mind are panicking. Now after he told his friends what Muichiro tried to do he started to doubt his action

'Is Muichiro ok with me telling them? Did i handled these the right way? What am i supposed to do now?' anxiety filled his whole body as he started to slouch of the couch 'did i do something wrong? Even with Yuichiro i couldn't see any sign... Am i really that bad of a friend??' his vision start to get blurry but his hand just wouldn't move to wipe off the tears that are already formed in his eyes

'What if he tried again?' this one single question felt like it just shattered his heart into pieces as it skipped a beat. A realisation hitted him hard. 'What if he tried again?'

This one question caused another chains of new fear and doubt 'if he did what will happen? Will i be able to do anything? What if i can't do anything? Would i lose another friend? Would i be completely alone?'

He slapped himself as hard as he could causing a loud noise in a really silent room 'this is about Muichiro. Not you.'

He didn't even realized how his cloths get drenched because of cold sweat, he didn't even realized he's sweating in the very first place. Not only that, if not for his now rapid breath he wouldn't even realized he has been holding his breath for no one knows how long.

He took a deep breath to ease the pain he's feeling in his chest, he's apart of the school's soccer team which mean running around for more than one hour is a daily activity for him and never once he felt this type of suffocation. It feel like he's being choked to death, he gagged feeling the food he had with Muichiro sometime before trying to get out of his stomatch 'cold'

Just then someone come banging at the door, he can take a wild guess who. He get up from the floor and almost immediately lost his balance causing him to nearly fall face flat on the wodden floor.

His vision are really blurry, he tried to shake his head but it didn't help even a bit, the banging are getting even more impatient and louder and his ears decided to help him by start ringing. He tried taking a step after another trying his best not to fall but before he know it everything turned black

"Oi Fubuki open the goddamned door!!" Sanemi has lose his patience, he start to knock on the door harder until Rengoku reached for his wrist.

Just then he realized how his hand has gotten bruised thanks to him banging violently at the door "young Sanemi calm down!"

Sanemi force his way out from Rengoku's grasp, he's about to punch the door when they hear a loud thud "what is that?! Buki?! Buki are you there?!!" Mitsuri panicked and unconscously pushed Sanemi from the way and knock the door as hard as she could that the wall attached to the door also shaked

She feel someone wrapped their hand around her arm and pulled her to the side, she found it was Shinobu, before anything could get out of her mouth she heard another loud sound and see Sanemi slamming his own body to the door "fuck it wouldn't even budge!"

"Outta the way" Hearing Tengen's warning Giyu reached Sanemi's shoulder and pulled him aside making a clear way for Tengen

Without wasting a single second Tengen kicked right below the lock and the door flew open, one of the hinge broke but they couldn't care about that when they see a familiar body laying on the cold floor.

Shinobu reacted quickly and was the first one to reach Fubuki, she knelt down and put her finger on his neck where the pulse can be located easily. She let out loud sigh when she can feel it "he fainted" She announced to calm down her friends that are panicking behind her

She was about to tell someone to carry Fubuki and lay him on the couch when Sanemi knelt down beside her and pull the unconscious body to him and easily lifted him up

"May god bless him and heal him" She can hear Gyomei's prayer, she turned back and found Gyomei still standing outside with Rengoku beside him kneeling down to take off his shoes.

Just then she realized how big of a mess they just created because they all come marching into the room completely forgetting how dirty their shoes must be, but she can think about that later "where's Muichiro?"

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