Supposed To Be Me

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"Muichiro!" Fubuki called out once again till he finally lost sight of Muichiro who probably take a sudden turn in the hallway. He looked left and right frantically as a familiar pity eyes stares at him. He know those aren't real, no one are staring at him, but there is someone who stares at Muichiro. He just knows it.

Muichiro somehow managed to get out of Fubuki's range of sight as he quietly sneaked into the library. He knows he's making his friends worried, but he just couldn't stay inside that house for another minute all alone again.

He tried his best, he really did. He wanted to recover quickly so he wouldn't be a dead weight for his friends. But in the end he just couldn't forget the sight of that night 'Yuichiro won't bother his friends like i did'

Muichiro can't thank god enough since he has somehow slipped into one of his favorite place in school. Whenever he just needs time alone he would make up some excuse to his friends that he would be having lunch with Yuichiro when in reality he just bury his nose into a book. Sadly he could never user that excuse ever again from now on.

He make his way to a corner, thankfully library doesn't have much visitor especially at lunch time, and most of the time people who go to library are just like him or haven't done their homework and decided rush and do it here. This makes no one really payed attention to him as he quietly sneak to a corner where he always goes to.

A corner which consist books about origami and history, there's also some special fiction book. He doesn't read those so much, the last time he did is like two month ago, a book about demon and people who killed the demons.

This time he take out a book about history of origami, but he stopped midway when he hears voices from the other side of the shelf

"What's even so urgent that Fubuki completely ignored us??" He think he recognized those voice somewhere, he cursed himself for forgetting whose voice that is. Muichiro doesn't really have a bad memory, well back then he doesn't at least. He just finally remembered his friends names last night.

"Oh, i heard that dude uh.. Mujiro?? Have finally come back to school" Muichiro go all ears the moment he realized whoever's talking are talking about him

"You mean Muichiro? The brother of that dude who just off himself?" Muichiro can hardly keep himself from hitting whoever that person are for his inappropriate way of describing what Yuichiro did

"Ey that's my baseball team best player right there, watch your tongue"

The other person just chuckled at this, that's when it hit him, its Yuichiro's baseball teammate and Fubuki's soccer teammate. He has heard their voice when he watched them practice

"If i'm not wrong, Fubuki skipped school for a whole week just to stay with that dude, we lose a match thanks to him" The person who chuckled announced

"Same, we also lose without Yuichiro... Why can't that Muichiro dude die instead?" He feel his heart skipped a beat as those words enters his ears "i mean, i haven't heard 'bout him much, so he must be pretty much useless right?"

"Well if he's the one dead then everything would be much better, Yuichiro wouldn't be such a drag" The rest of the conversation sound like a muffle, Muichiro's vision are getting blurry but before those liquids could even fall down his eye socket a voice forcefully pulled him back to reality


Kanao mentally slapped herself as the boy who look exactly like her dead friend just stare at her, of course he would be shocked. Kanao have stupidly called someone by his twin brother's name. The twin brother he had just lost.

She quickly covered her mouth and bowed down "i'm so sorry!!" She keep her gaze on her feet, she just then realized she's crying because of the tears that dropped on the the floor

She can't bring herself to look up as she feel Muichiro just went pass her in a high speed. Just after she couldn't hear his steps anymore she finally raised her head.

"I'm really sorry.."

How stupid and useless is he? He's the one who avoided his friends. Yet here he is locked inside one of the toilet stalls crying his eyes out silently while hoping any of his friend would miraculously knock the door calling out his name. Or even way better and way more impossible, his brother to come and get him

Finally the bell rang telling the students to go back into their classrooms, but Muichiro couldn't careless at the moment "Why can't Muichiro die instead?" That words echoed in his ears, he tried to cover his ears but he can still hear it loud and clear "if he's the one dead then everything would be much better, Yuichiro wouldn't be such a drag.."

'Is it supposed to be me?? Am i the one who should have died?'

"Hey Muichiro?? You in there?"

Giyu are on his way to class alone since none of his friend are on the same english class as him, the bell rang when he nearly reached his class, that's when his phone started ringing. He see the contact name and are suprised to see "Grey hair" Written on the caller's name. Fubuki indeed calls him then and there, but that's mostly late at night when he just randomly wanted a friend to play online games with.

He swiped the call icon to the right to accept the call and putted the phone right on his ear, before he could even open his mouth "Gi! Giyu! i lost Mui! I! I already checked his next.. next class and the library!! He's.. He's freaking nowhere!" Fubuki's voice are shaky he even stuttered multiple time, which isn't something you can hear everyday. This just show how serious the situation are

And that's pretty much why he completely ignored the bell and ran mindlessly trying to find Muichiro without screaming not to get the teachers attention more than he already did by sprinting around

Realizing this wouldn't bring him anywhere he stopped, his breath are racing, he wiped the sweat on his chin with his black jacket sleeve 'think Giyu think... Where did you go back then...' he ran his hand across his hair, it have always been messy but this time its more tangled than usual 'library.. No... Fubuki have checked there... Then where?' his eyes went wide as the realization hitted him before he sprinted toward the boys bathroom

He slammed the door open to be meet by an empty bathroom, he let out a disappointed sigh as he's about to close the door, that's when he hear a loud sniffle from one of the stall.

He take a deep breath to calm his heart beat and panting breath, just then he can feel all his senses going back to how it normally does, this include his hearing. There's indeed someone sobbing inside one of the stalls.

Giyu followed the quiet sobs and finally found where it came from, he hesitated first because he might be wrong and caught another person in there, that totally isn't gonna be a very pleasant memory, but the thought that it could indeed be Muichiro crying all alone and he would just walk away because he was merely embarassed make him to just give it a shoot.

"Hey Muichiro? You in there?" If he's wrong then he's gonna regret this, but if he's right then he would feel even more than regret.

Muichiro know he's not supposed to answer, he would just bother Giyu, he's not supposed to show his friend how troubled he really is. But then again he wanted to feel some comfort, even for a mere second.

Without he even he realized it, his hand already opened the lock and push the door open, he's meet with the boy who's older one year than him. With no hesitation he threw his body into Giyu and hold onto tight to Giyu's jacket.

He can feel a warm feeling wrapped him as he cried and cried. At that very moment the truth hitted him 'its supposed to be me'

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