Not So Fun Meal

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Muichiro feel his ears ringing, he slowly opened his eye revealing something black and blurry infront of his face, he wipe his left eye in attempt to make his vision clearer. This have certainly work as he get up and analyzed the room, he's on Obanai's sofa. Just then his eye finally find someone sleeping on the floor holding his hand.

"Mitsuri?.." He muttered under his breath 'when? Why?...' Muichiro ran his hand across his hair as he tried to recall what had happened 'there's the police... they asked some question.... then what?...' when he felt an headache he decided to stop.

Seem like at the same time Mitsuri wake up as she let out a loud shriek before pulling him out of the sofa into a bear hug "Mui you finally wake up!!" Muichiro cannot see Mitsuri's face, but judging by how the top of his head are getting wet, it doesn't take a genious to tell she is crying.

Muichiro wanted to join her, he feel his chest tighten, his throat also feel sore but he doesn't have any tears to shreat no more. By this he can take a wild guess that he have been crying the whole time he's asleep.

He then hear foots stomping from the back of the house where Obanai's kitchen are, he tried to take a peek from Mitsuri's shoulder and see his friends making their way to him

Tengen was helping with the plating of the curry they just finished making, because of Fubuki and Obanai's stomach grumbling they have decided to make something to eat. That's when he heard Mitsuri's loud shriek.

That can only mean one thing. Finally Muichiro have woke up. Without any single though went through his head he quickly ran to the living room where the two are left.

As expected he's meet with Mitsuri crying along with Muichiro, a few tears escaped his eye socket and went down his face slowly, seem like that's the last bit of tears Muichiro has left.

He slowed his steps not to overwhelm the boy, he's sure Mitsuri hugging him like that are already overwhelming enough.

He knelt down and wipe the tears in Muichiro's eyes, it broke his heart to see the usual happy boy to have this unusual sad and heartbroken expression "hey dude, how ya holding on?" Tengen rethinked thousands of time before finally voice out the question

But his question was meet with no answer as Muichiro just bury his face onto Mitsuri's chest and let out silent sobs, Tengen turned around and met with some of his friends that probably followed his steps, they sat behind him probably not to scare Muichiro.

The silence was thick till the four who didn't ran to the living room finally enter, Shinobu are holding a pot of curry they just made, she's wearing a gray cooking gloves, Giyu have a tray full of plate along with spoon, meanwhile the tray Fubuki are holding are fillet with a glass of water, and lastly in Sanemi's hand are a big bowl of rice

Tengen can only let out an awkward chuckle when Sanemi throw him a death glare probably because he's the first one to leave the kitchen which trigger a chain reaction.

Mitsuri feel the body in her embrace have stopped shaking so she came to conclusion that Muichiro have stopped crying, she slowly pulled away and meet with Muichiro's now dull and puffy eyes, she wipe the tears on his cheek with her thumb "Mui let's eat first okay?" She asked gently, Mitsuri never speak this softly to anyone but her little brother when he's crying.

Muichiro stare at the wall behind her for a few moment, Mitsuri just let him be and finally he give her a weak nod and with that they quickly form a circle with the food and water in the middle.

Muichiro clung onto Obanai's arm, Obanai didn't say anything and just let him be. They started eating but Muichiro just stare at his plate with no sign of hunger whatsoever

Shinobu who's sitting beside him notices this so she whispered softly "Muichiro aren't you hungry?" Of course it wouldn't be shocking if Muichiro have little to no appetite, since Obanai and Fubuki also barely touch their food either, Obanai just managed to empty half of his plate while Fubuki just take five bites at most and then just gulped down two glass of water.

Muichiro seem to hide himself into Obanai as he shook his head, Shinobu feel her forehead wrinkle at this response, based on Obanai's story, none of the three have even drink anything, let alone eat. The last thing they would want at the moment was Muichiro getting sick

So she take a spoon full of rice with some curry on it and put it infront of Muichiro's mouth, one of her hand are below it in case the rice fall off the spoon "please just take a bite" She can't believe there would be a day where she would beg someone to eat, but here she is.

Muichiro look at her blankly before burrying his face into Obanai's shoulder, all Shinobu can do at this moment is just let out a sigh and put back the spoon on top of the plate that are still full of rice with curry. She can feel all of her friends eyes are on them.

"Muichiro you need to eat something" Obanai whispered to Muichiro, but he just shook his head, he can feel Muichiro's grip get tighter by seconds

"Just let him be... Its normal for someone lost their appetite at the moment" Giyu commented, with this Shinobu gave up so he did the same. It wouldn't do anything but upset the boy of they forced him.

Gyomei clear his throat, Obanai just realized how he haven't heard Gyomei's voice nearly the whole day "young Muichiro.. We have talked a little when you were asleep.." He quickly realized what Gyomei are saying, they have indeed discussed some things while Muichiro are fast asleep on the sofa, and one of it is "it wouldn't be good for you to be alone yet, so we are planning on staying at the same house for a few days from now on and keep you company, that's if you don't mind"

Muichiro finally pulled himself from Obanai's arm a little to take a peek at Gyomei who of course have tears streaming down his face, but he also have a warm smile as he looked straight ahead since he doesn't know where Muichiro's exact position are

Muichiro opened his mouth just to close it again and bury himself once again into Obanai's bigger arm "i think he doesn't like that idea" Fubuki commented as he wipe his mouth, he just gulped down his fourth glass of water, that's kinda concerning but Obanai resist the urge to say anything.

"Muichiro, which one would you rather, staying with only one of us or all of us?" Obanai can only give him those two option, since there's absolutely no way they would let Muichiro be alone at the moment

"Can..." Finally a low shaky voice escaped Muichiro's mouth "can i... I stay... You?" He stuttered softly, Obanai wasn't exacly expecting this answer so he froze for a milisecond before nodding his head "of course"

Sun have setted, its time for them to go home, well most of them. Rengoku have made a call with Senjuro where they have agreed to meet at Tanjiro's house so they can ask all their questions, Sanemi asked to go along with him, he just accept it without asking any question.

And that's how they are now on their way to Kamado's resident that wasn't far away from his house in an awkward silence

"So.. How many you will tell?" Finally Sanemi started a conversation

Rengoku didn't turn to his friend, he stared right ahead as he answered "what they needed to know!"

Sanemi can't help but massage his temple because that wasn't the answer he's looking for "and how much do they need to know?"

He swore he just see Rengoku's smile dropped but he quickly smiled again without a blink of an eye "we will see!" And again, an answer that doesn't fulfill his expectation, but he decided to drop it as they passed Rengoku's house, just a few block and they will reach the Kamado bakery where Yuichiro's friend are probably waiting anxiously with his brother among them.

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