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Finally after more than half an hour, Muichiro ran out of tears as he fallen asleep. Even though none of them wanted to leave him in the room alone, but they know Muichiro also needed some space for himself.

That's why they are all now sitting in silent in Obanai's living room sitting in a circle once again, even though there's two empty spot Fubuki picked to sit on the sofa upside down, usually they would make fun of his weird sitting habit, but not at the moment.

"Everything will be okay.. Right?..." Mitsuri whispered in a low voice but loud enough to reach her friends ears. Her gaze locked to the floor as she play around with her finger

No one replied for some second "it's not okay, and it probably will never be okay" Giyu's harsh answer caught his friends off guard "and we all know that, everything will be okay are nothing but empty hope" None of his friend have the guts to argue as they all know deep inside he is right. How can everything be okay after you lost your family in such way?

"You are right Giyu" Fubuki's voice grab everyone's attention to him "everything will be okay is nothing but empty hope either its said by someone else or by ourself, but then again it help to numb the pain" Mitsuri couldn't help but see how dull Fubuki's eye are, its like there's no one inside.

They all know Fubuki is an orphan like Muichiro, but none of them actually know how and when he lost his parents. No one are brave enough to even ask "maybe one day those empty hope would break and cause even bigger wound, but at the very least that can be a problem for tomorrow"

God knows how many times, but again and again silence have been doomed upon them, Mitsuri's eyes wandered through the room and fall onto the wall clock, its already been two hour since they reached Obanai's house, its already
12:10 pm. Usually she would be hungry right now, but for once in her life, she have lost her appetite completely

Suddenly the door bell rang, Obanai quickly open the door and found two police officer, that's when Obanai remember the agreement that they would let the police to question them. So he let the officer in, he throw a single look at Fubuki who quickly get off the sofa and ran up the stairs

Fubuki once again entered Obanai's room, his eye are locked to the boy who is curled up into a ball, he doesn't have the heart to wake him up. Muichiro deserve some rest, but it seem like the universe just wouldn't let him.

He gently shook the black haired boy's body as Muichiro slowly opened his eye revealing his usual bright mint eye are now dull like there's no soul inside of it "Mui the police are here for some question.." His heart broke into thousands of pieces as Muichiro grabbed his hand with both of his hand

"I'm scared" His voice sound so raspy and shaking, probably because of how much he screamed and mumbled when he cried some minutes earlier

Fubuki shook his head not to let any unnecessary though get into him as he gently pulled Muichiro up "i will be by your side" This simple word somehow have given Muichiro some feeling of comfort. Even though he have been telling himself for thousands of time that everything will sort out and it would be all fine, none of them give him a warm feeling like Fubuki's word just gave him

Finally they have seated in the living room, the rest of the group have planned to leave but Muichiro's eyes feel like he's begging them to stay and they do as asked.

"We have heard Fubuki's side of the story, now we needed yours Tokito" The police officer infront of him cut to the chase immediately, Sanemi bury the urge to yell at how insensitive the man are, making a scene would only bring more trouble to Muichiro

Muichiro hesitated to answer, he doesn't know how to answer. Then he felt someone resting their hand on his shoulder he looked up and find Obanai giving him a resurrecting look "i just got home..." Finally he just let him mouth do the work "i called for Yuichiro but he didn't answer.. I though he fall asleep..." He can feel his hand shaking when someone reached for them and hold into it.

He can recognised those pale hand anywhere. "So i go to our room... When i open the door he- Yui-" Muichiro pulled his hand away from Fubuki's warm hold as he closed his mouth, he gagged before ran to the bathroom.

Muichiro glad he have went to Obanai's house for a couple of time that he knows where the bathroom is, he didn't even bother to close the door as he puked into the toilet bowl, he can see it. Blood, a body identical to his own laying dead on the floor, sharp shiny knife on one of his brother's hand. The metallic scent enters his nose. The sound of his own scream, sirens, commotion infront of his house. Its like the scene are replayed over and over again in his head, just like he's experiencing it again again again again

"I will go after him" Shinobu are the fastest to react, she make her way to the bathroom and found Muichiro puking into the toilet bowl, she reached for his hair and hold it so it won't get in the way, she patted the boy's back. Finally after a few moment Muichiro stopped gagging, seeing this Shinobu took her handkerchief, she gently push Muichiro's face towars hers and wipe his mouth.

"are you okay Muichiro?" her question go unanswered, for some reason it felt like Shinobu was alone. Muichiro wasn't there with her, she waved her hand right infront of his face and it confirmed her suspicion. Muichiro isn't in the bathroom with her.

Maybe because it have been to long, Mitsuri come to check on her, the pink haired girl nearly screamed when she see the puke inside the toilet but she managed to cover her mouth in time, she slowly approached them and put down the toilet cover then flush it, she's worried the smell would make Muichiro get more nauseous and puke again, that if there's still anything in his stomach because based on how bad the smell is, there won't be anything left.

"Mui are you ok?" She asked as she knelt down to match the height of the boy, but the boy didn't answer, she look up to Shinobu as she felt more anxious by the second, Shinobu shook her head indicating she also doesn't know what's going on inside Muichiro's head, now all they can do is wait until Muichiro give any sign that he's back

Something have happened. It must be. Mitsuri hasn't come back after she go to check what's taking Shinobu and Muichiro so long, and the police sitting infront of him clearly don't feel like he's gonna wait any longer. He let out a sigh "ask whatever you want, i can answer it" Fubuki doesn't want to do this. These question are meant to be answered by Muichiro himself. But it seem like the universe just won't let anything goes smoothly

The two policeman throw a side glance at each other "how old are Tokito Muichiro and Tokito Yuichiro?"

"15 turning 16 at auguts 8th" Fubuki feel kinda relieved the question is nothing personal so he can answer freely

"Who is Muichiro and Yuichiro guardian?" he silently pray that Muichiro come back before the question get way to personal

"Tsugikuni Michikatsu, their grandfather from their mother's side of the family" the other policeman quickly write this down as the other continued

"Where is he now?"

"Not sure, he's retired and decided to spend his time travelling with Mui and Yui's great uncle, i have his number" Fubuki hated the fact he just know the flow of these questions, thankfully the police man didn't say anything and just give him a piece of paper along with a pen, everyone just stayed silent as he wrote the number down

After he handed back the piece of paper to the man who wrote down everything he have said, the other policeman quickly ask him "is there anyone who might hold any grudge to the Tokito family?" and this is the sign that the question are going south, he didn't expect it to be this fast

"May we just skip ahead? this isn't the question for someone like me to answer"

The two policeman throw another side glance to each other before they both stand up "we will come back again tomorrow" was all they said before leaving the house, when the sound of the door being closed finally enter his ears he let his body sulk into the sofa, he cover his eye with his sleeve

He hear someone else leave the room this time it sound like whoever that was are going to the kitchen where the same direction where Muichiro ran off to, but he couldn't bring himself to see who have gone, he needed a moment of peace after facing those sharp and cold eye from the police officer.

'Muichiro must be overwhelmed..'

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