We're All Here

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After 10 minutes of walking that felt like hours finally they arrived at Obanai's house, Sanemi didn't waste a single second and rang the bell, he quickly shifted to knocking the door after a single minute

Obanai hear someone ringing the bell, he have decided to just ditch school today and thank goddess his parents understand and let him be, he's now alone in the house with Fubuki and Muichiro as his parents have left to work.

He groaned, his whole body hurt probably because he sleep on the floor tonight, he reached for his phone right beside his head and see the time '10:40 lunch shouldn't even start yet... Then who's at the door?' Obanai have predicted that his friends will come banging at his door demanding explanation

But he though it would be atleast when school have ended. Its way too early for him even if its nearly noon, its still way too early, gradually ringing the bell turn into banging so he's forced to get up. Even if he prayed so much that it wasn't his friend, but those banging can only be done by one specific person he know.

As he stand up he took a glance at the bed, thankfully the two are still sleeping, so he rushed out before Sanemi's banging woke up the two or he broke down his door

He opened the door as his white haired friend invited himself to the living room after he took off his shoes, his other friend did the exact same thing and by mere minute everyone have seated in circle, there's three spot empty, one between Sanemi and Mitsuri, one between Rengoku and Gyomei and the last one between Tengen and Giyu. He can take a wild guess who is supposed to fill each of the empty spot. The second one are for Muichiro, while the third one for Fubuki.

So he seated himself beside Mitsuri and Sanemi, Mitsuri quickly hold onto his hand as he sat down "Obi what happened last night?" She asked with tears forming in her eyes

Obanai couldn't make himself look at anything but the floor, his mind are debating itself about should he tell them? How much is he supposed to tell? How would Muichiro felt if he's the one to broke this heartbreaking news? 

"Obanai, the principal already told us about Yuichiro.." Just like Shinobu have read his mind, her word make Obanai's hard hidden tears found its way to escape his eye as he broke into silent sobs, his free hand covering his different colored orbs. He's not gonna lie, he feel relieved knowing he won't have to be the one to tell them the heartbreaking news, but part of him feel sometype of anger to the principal 'what if Muichiro want to tell them himself?'

This view shocked the group, of course they all know Obanai have his own soft spot, everyone do. But this is the first time they saw him crying after two years together and three year for Mitsuri

"How much did he tell..?" Obanai managed to ask between his silent sobs

No one answered for a few seconds before Shinobu's voice were heard "Just that he passed away last night... By suicide" Once again Obanai doesn't know how he felt at the moment

"I.." Obanai stopped talking, he fall into a deep though for a couple of second, his friend just let him be "i don't know just how much Muichiro want to tell.. All i can say is that.. It was bad."

Then silence that feel like a curse once again have been doomed upon them until a loud cry can be heard upstair, Obanai sprinted up the stairs without a blink of an eye ignoring the questions from his friends.

Muichiro's head felt like it's being ripped apart from the inside, his eyes feel like its burning, his body are really weak like he haven't eaten for days. The only good thing he can feel at the moment is something warm embracing him. He slowly opened his eyes as he looked up and see his friends sleep face 'Shirou? What happened?' he searched and searched his memory to find how and why he's cuddling Fubuki, but he cannot find a single thing.

He somehow managed to slip out of the greynette's hug and get out of the bed, his gaze wandered the room which clearly wasn't his room 'Kaburamaru? I'm at Obanai's?? Why?' at that moment the event from last night flashed infront of his very eyes

His feet lost its power as he broke down into sobs, by a second the warm embrace he just slip out of wrapped itself back onto him. Fubuki put his head onto his shoulder and let him cry out loud "i'm here" He mumbled out over and over again

The door swung open, but Muichiro couldn't careless, he just continued on crying as he felt another figure have hugged them from their side.

The rest of the group that have tailed Obanai into his room are frozen by the sight and painful cries that their youngest friend let out 'so this is what he meant by it was bad' Tengen though to himself, before he even realized it he have positioned himself on the free side of Muichiro and wrapped the two youngest along with Obanai into his arm

Mitsuri was fast to follow as she sat down right next to Obanai slipping her hand onto Muichiro's knees, she felt Shinobu holding her free hand with both of her small hands, that's when Mitsuri saw the tears slipping out of Shinobu's eye socket and she let her own tears out.

Giyu and Sanemi sat behind Fubuki, Sanemi reached out and pat the crying boy on Fubuki's shoulder while Giyu didn't say or do anything. He's just there and hope that would bring any sort of comfort for Muichiro. Rengoku wanted to pull Muichiro onto his own warm embrace but stayed silent on the door not to overwhelm the poor boy more. Gyomei stand beside him reciting a quiet prayer and he just found himself following along.

The only sound that can be heard in the room are Muichiro's sobbing as he sometime muttered out his twin brother's name over and over again sometime even calling his mother and father that have passed away long long ago, they can only stay quiet and make sure to show him they all care. They are by his and they won't leave. 

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