Chapter 219

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    Tommy walked out of his room in his vigilante outfit and then walked towards Tubbo's room. Clementine had helped him remove the honey by using magic, and now his face was honey free, thankfully. He had to shower for a long time to finally get rid of the sticky feeling and he was really mad about it, but now he had calmed down from the honey incident.

    He had reluctantly put Clementine in his pocket. He didn't want to hide them from his friends but he didn't know how they would react. However, Clementine had understood perfectly. "Do not stress, Tommy. You do not need to instantly introduce me to your friends, take your time." They had said, nuzzling into Tommy's chest, who had smiled sadly and hugged them tightly.

    Tommy opened the door to Tubbo's room and watched his friends. They were all talking, but when Tommy entered the room, the attention turned to him. They stared at Tommy in his vigilante outfit, who raised an eyebrow.

    "Look outside," Tommy said, pointing at the window, where the view of a starry night was visible. Everyone's heads turned in sync and their eyes widened in shock. "A-Already?!" Purpled sputtered. Ranboo just looked back at Tommy and everyone heard a small warping noise before a cloud of purple dust surrounded Ranboo.

    Where Ranboo was, Ender now sat. His tail flicked back and forth as he looked Tommy up and down and then leaned back on his hands. "Looking good, Tommy." He said, winking at him. Tommy blushed a bit but tried to remain calm.

    "Not too bad yourself, Ender," Tommy said, winking back at him. Outside, he was calm and trying to reciprocate Ender's flirting. But on the inside, he was blushing intensely and Clementine knew it. They started laughing and Tommy rolled his eyes internally. Tubbo looked back and forth between them with a raised eyebrow.

    "Oh?" He said with a smile. Tubbo didn't seem to mind the flirting between his fiancé and best friend, for some reason. Purpled leaned back with a grin. "I'm already in my hero outfit," Purpled said and Tubbo rolled his eyes. "Well, get out of my room so I can change," Tubbo said and then paused.

    "Except Ender. I don't know if I'll be able to put my shirt on." Tubbo said, wincing. "Wha- Bu- I-" Tommy sputtered, looking back and forth between Tubbo and Ender. "But I was the one who helped you with your shirt!" Tommy protested and Tubbo rolled his eyes. "Well, now my husband's helping me," Tubbo said and Ender's face flushed purple.

    "H-Husband?" He said and Tubbo smiled at him. "Yeah, husband! You did propose to me, didn't you?" Tubbo said with a smirk, leaning forwards towards Ender, whose face flushed even more and looked away quickly. Tommy scoffed and rolled his eyes.

    "Well, if you've got Ender to help you put your shirt on, I've got him to help me take my shirt off," Tommy said with a smirk and Purpled choked on thin air. "Wha-What?!" Purpled said and Tommy just laughed and helped him stand up. "Come on, Purpled. Let's leave these two to get into their outfits." Tommy said, looking back at Ender and winking at him. Ender was looking at him with a raised eyebrow and a smirk that made his face heat up a bit.

    Tommy closed the door behind him and helped Purpled sit down on the couch. Tommy sighed and flopped down on the couch. "What's wrong?" Purpled said, looking at Tommy with concern. "Well, if Bee and Ender are together, I'm alone now," Tommy said, pouting. Then he considered something and looked at Purpled with a smirk.

    "But I've got you, right?" Tommy said, looking at him, batting his eyes flirtatiously. Purpled's face immediately flushed purple and he looked away immediately, causing Tommy and Clementine to laugh. A while later, Bee and Ender walked out of Bee's room in their outfits. Tommy grinned and somehow managed to kick the window open. He looked back at everyone with a grin as he put his mask on.

"Come on, let's go!"

"If you don't stop, I'm gonna start stabbing sh!t." PART 2 // A DSMP FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now