Chapter 243

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    Ph1LzA looked at Death with pleading eyes, trying to get her to believe him. "GET AWAY FROM ME!" Tubbo's eyes flashed with anger as he quickly pulled a small dagger out and slashed at Ph1LzA. Ph1LzA jumped back and looked at Tubbo with surprise.

    Tubbo was seething with fury as he tried standing up. He gently put Tommy on the floor and looked directly at Ph1LzA. Tubbo glared at him as tears pricked his eyes, and then his fist clenched around his dagger.

    "I WILL END YOU!" Tubbo yelled, rushing forward as he slashed at Ph1LzA again, ripping his sleeves. "W-What-" Ph1LzA stuttered, moving back and trying to avoid Tubbo's angry attacks. Tears flowed from Tubbo's eyes as he glared at the man who was partially responsible for the state his best friend was in.

    Tubbo yelled as he lunged at Ph1LzA, but Ph1LzA flew up and looked down at him. With pity. Tubbo screamed in rage as he threw the dagger at Ph1LzA, but he missed. Blade quickly rushed forward and restrained Tubbo, preventing him from attacking him any further. Tubbo collapsed and went limp while standing and continued crying.

    A puff of purple appeared and disappeared, taking Tubbo with it. Blade looked around wildly and saw Tubbo back next to Tommy. Quackity placed his hand on Tubbo's shoulder and looked at Eret.

    "I can't believe you, Eret." He spat and Puffy nodded. "Don't even think of coming back to District 17." She said, glaring at him. "Traitor." Minx spat. Ranboo looked at Death and then nodded. "We'll leave now. Thank you so much, Death." Ranboo said, bowing in respect.

    Death smiled sadly and curtsied respectfully. "You're welcome." She said, then summoned a purple orb of magic in her hands. She stretched her hands and created a forcefield around the group before stepping out of it.

    "Wha- Death, you can't just let them leave! Yes, we harmed the wrong person, but that boy is linked to Schlatt!" Ph1LzA said. "Ph1LzA, you can not be serious." Death said, turning to him. "I am." He said firmly, landing on the stage. "Phantom?" Death said, looking at Phantom, who was watching Tommy from the other end of the stage, back to his ghost form. "I-" He said, blue tears falling from his eyes, steam rising from the tears. "W-We could just k-keep Tubbo-" Phantom stuttered. Death looked at him with a disappointed expression.

    "Blade?" She asked, turning to Blade. "Do you think we should let them go?" She asked and Blade nodded slowly in response, his expression hidden by his mask. "Death-" Ph1LzA said and Death groaned and flicked a ball of magic at him, trapping him. "You guys go, I'll keep them busy." She said, looking back at the group.

    "R-Right!" Purpled said, nodding. Tubbo secretly handed him a smoke bomb and Purpled quickly threw it onto the ground, green smoke instantly erupting from the bomb, surrounding everyone in the force field. "QUICKLY!" Purpled yelled, reaching out for Ranboo as hands gripped some part of Ranboo. Ranboo grabbed Tommy's arm with one hand and got ready to teleport. 

In the blink of an eye, the festival disappeared and everyone was surrounded by the walls of the Bench Trio's apartment.

"If you don't stop, I'm gonna start stabbing sh!t." PART 2 // A DSMP FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now